RE General Discussion

Feel free to talk about anything and everything about renewable energy in this board. From reasons for using alternative energy to general questions on types of systems are right for your needs.


Subject Started by Replies

Chinese Solar panels

I have an opportunity to purchase 180watt, 24 volt, UL approved Monocrystalline Solar Panels made in China for $4 a watt includi...
Paul St.pierre 2

Chinese PV panels

Hello out there! Are there any Canadians here? For our U.S. friends, we have fewer choices up here when it comes to alternative ...
Paul Hearsey 0

China Solar Water Heater Market

Special ReportOct. 16, 2002Secrets Behind the Solar Industry Prosperity in ChinaOn Sept. 24, Prof. Zhang Qichu of Sydney Univers...
Minghua Chen 0

Chef Boyardee

Chances are a lot of you have heard of that name before. What I would like to know is the name of the guy or gal that had t...
Thomas Allen Schmidt 0

Charging batteries

Hello, I recently went live with my system and have a battery question. My system consists of 12 BPSX3200 modules wired 3 st...
Timothy Karl 1

charging a digit camera on bicycle

It seems difficult to recharge our digital camera battery charger from a flexible solar panel.  It looks like there are lig...
chris blanchard 2

Charge rechargable batteries from non-rechargable batteries

I work with video where I must always start with a fresh battery to shoot events. I've gone to rechargeable's...
Stephen Zinn 1

charge controller location

I have a 100' cable run between the solar panel and the battery.  Should the controller be placed at one end or the ot...
Lee Gersch 5

Charge controller for sell back system

Does anyone make a charge controller for a high voltage (310 to 360 VDC) sell back system?  My wife is going to be very unh...

Charge Controller for 48v golf cart

I have a portable 160w solar panel system with 2@ 80w panels wired in parallel for 12v charging.  I have a PWM type control...
Steve Bartlett 4

Ceiling fan

The log cabin we are building has a cathedral ceiling over the living area. Looking for an energy efficient ceiling fan with...
Jerry Pierson 0


I really need help! I accidently let a look alike kitten in my house about 10 days ago. The new kitten has only let me h...
Debora Sigrist 1

Cansolair Type Soda Can Solar Heater - Hungarian Website

Anyone speak Hungarian? I found this Cansolair type DIY s...
Joe DeBottis 0

Can you charge a battery using man made energy?

This is probably a stupid question,but we have been seeing the cranking flashlights and foot pump batteries and were wondering i...
Mitzi Callahan 5

Can someone help me?

I am doing a proect on wind power and was delighted to find this site. But I am having trouble inding some products powered by w...
Anne 1

Can I use Microhydro?

OK, I am a complete and typical newbie.  We have acreage that fronts a pretty decent size river.  There is no falling ...
Chris Roberson 3

can conservation be immoral?

 this question came up while getting the electric bill today.  i live in a three story building with the...
David Ames 7

Can anyone recommend a low-cost home wind turbine

My husband (retired, disabled) and me (age 55, a teacher) live on an acre in the middle of a neighbor's alfalfa farm in south ce...
Becky 0

Camp Fan

I have a camp with out electric power.  We presently use lp gas for our lights, cooking and refrigeration.  I would li...
Mike Fortier 1

Buying Green Power From the Grid

Most of us know the validity of using renewable energy. With less impact on the environment and an endless supply to tap into, r...
John Haley 2

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