RE General Discussion

Feel free to talk about anything and everything about renewable energy in this board. From reasons for using alternative energy to general questions on types of systems are right for your needs.


Subject Started by Replies

battery ah dissimilar

I recently imported from china 24 2v 1000ah gel batteries but when I unpacked them I found that I had received 12 2v 1000ah batt...
Stephen Smith 0

Batteries voltage going down

I had recently installed a PV system at my house. I am using a 60A Flexcharge controller and 4 8D batteries with 3 130...
Jorge Rodriguez 3

Batteries / Off-Grid

When would you use 12v, 24v, 48v, or 96v batteries for an off-grid system? Is it strictly cost related or is there an advantage ...
Andrew Rasken 8


I need some help, I'm going to get 2 Trojan 105 batteries to start off my small off grid system but I'm not sure if I ...
Jeffrey Peterson 6

Basic question about voltage

I known for awhile that to get the most life out of one's batteries, it is best not to discharge them below 12.5 to 12.4 vo...
Lawrence Carroll 10

Backup solutions for small appliances for 2 to 3 weeks where electricity is NOT

I travel extensively to some very remote places in Haiti where there is NO electricity sometimes for weeks. I normally travel wi...
Robert fourcand 7

B-Grade PV Modules

So I have noticed a posting or two here on the forums about B-Grade PV modules and wanted to make a couple of comments and see i...
Eric Pedersen 4

Average Cost for Installed SHW Drainback with 80g ?

Hi All: We have been exploring the idea of replacing our current gas water heater with solar.  The other day I had a c...
Fla D 1

Aspiring engineer

I am an engineering student from South Africa. Because of cheap power due to an abundance of coal set to the backdrop of  a...
Wariner Gray 1

Asian Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

I've seen a vertical axis turbine that was yellow, somewhat artistic-looked like a flame when spinning-and I believe it was from...
Tad Simmons 1

Asia Global Energy Solutions Morning Energy: BP bites back

ILLNESSS OF FORMER EPA OFFICAL CHARGED WITH THEFT POSTPONES HEARING: An arraignment scheduled for today in the case of an EPA em...
Althea Tux 0

Asia Global - Energy Dept. Is Told to Stop Collecting Fee for Nuclear Waste

Energy Dept. Is Told to Stop Collecting Fee for Nuclear Waste Disposal New York Times | WASHINGTON — A federal appeal...
Sea Curdapia 0

Area Calculators?

Do any of the Panel or Tracker Manufactures have calculators to plan out a system (area)? My system will fit into a triangle and...
Paul Blanchette 3

Are Holiday Lights Energy Guzzlers

Power-hungry holiday lights: Holiday lights that decorate the house and the Christmas tree are one of the major consume...
Robert Mathew 0

Arc fault detectors

In Ontario we have to install arc fault detectors in any bedroom outlets. I have heard that the DR series Xantex will not le...
Jerry Pierson 3

appropriate generators for off-grid photovoltaic system

I would like to add a small back-up generator to my 1500 watt,220 AH(AGM)system, for getting through the rainy season with some ...
Edward Spencer 6

Appraisal of Renewable Energy System

We are considering sale of our off grid homestead and need advice on setting value. Various solar panels, aged from 2 ...
Jim Sluyter 0

appliances stop working on system

Hello,    I have a system setup and running for the last five to six months, four gulf cart batteries, 170 wa...
A. Hayles 6

Anyone Using Uni-Solar Shingles or the Solarsheets?

I'm finally in a position (after 30 years!) to be able to have a home with some solar applications. So, now the decisions!&...
PT Martin 7

anybody with a windmill near Denton TX?

hi, we're interested in having our own windmill.  we live near Denton, Texas on several acres.  it is always windy her...
JRios 1

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