Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Best tradeoff for panel placement on an RV

I just bought a BP 75W panel and Solar Boost 2000E controller for a small (22') trailer.  The battery is at the front. &nbs...
Steve Zalewski 1

RV Solar

I too have an RV and would like to keep the two 12 volt battery bank charged all the time.  What do I need to watch a few h...
Mike Husmann 1


I'm looking into powering a computer and monitor for about 12 hours of daily use. My tower has a 300 Watt power supply (Im runni...
jack 0

Solar panel question

I own a motor home in Nebraska normally I remove all 12V batteries (a real pain) and keep them in my basement hooked up to a spe...
Jeff 2


I have a DC 6 volt 8amp. gel battery.  I need to convert it to output 10-24 volt DC.  Does anyone make a small light w...
Ken 0

Windmill with rotating sails

Windmill with rotating sails is a new type of windmill. It has a vertical axle around which three sails spin around. http://www....
Tihomir Culjak 0

Whisper 175

I live in Topeka, Kansas and was wondering if there were any installs close to me?  I also wanted to know if there was any ...
Scott Abbott 2

Solar Panels

For a home of 1500 square feet, what size and how many solar panels would be need to cover all the electrical needs on average o...
Edwin lopez 1

Air403/P.V. Hybrid

First, kudos to the Alt-E Store for both great pricing and timely deliveries.  Now, for my question.....I am installing bot...
Prospector 1

Solar & Wind

At age 50 I am looking for a Solar & wind Generator system for my home of 2800 sq. ft.I would like a 240 vac system large enough...
Konocti 1

8KW wind turbine blade material selection. HELP!!!!!

I am doing a project on wind turbine blade design and material selection for an 8kw turbine. However I must justify my final mat...
denis hegarty 1

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