Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

battery charging, rest or not to rest?

I'm on a boat. 4ea. t-105 Trojan batteries. 2ea. in series to battery switch that has 1, 2, both or off. Should I run both ...
William Isherwood 0

different size 6v batteries

I think the answer is no but... I have 2 Rolls 400 ahrs 6v batteries on my boat in the Bahamas. 1 has a bad cell. They are 3...
William Isherwood 2

2 different size battery banks

I have 2 rolls 530 6 volt batteries on my boat that are almost 3 years old. They are fed with 6 panels and overnight I use aroun...
William Isherwood 3

mppt controler with different size panels?

The BZ 500 mppt is on sale so I want to get a back-up controller to my Xantrex/Trace c-40. I am in the Bahamas on a sailing cata...
William Isherwood 2

Air breeze wind gen.

I have an air breeze(200w) marine gen. to charge my 4-6v batteries but for some reason the air breeze is not charging the ba...
William Potts 3

12V panel to 24V controller or LCB

Does the Shur-flo 902-100 controller, rated @ 24V convert 12V from a panel into 24V?  I'd like to try pairing a 24V Shur-f...
William R Wagoner 2

Outback Smartre

Just wondering if anyone has tried the new Outback Smartre, contoller/inverter all in one package. Also wondering about the pric...
William Sullivan 2

Diversion Loads/Dump Loads

I am an electro-mechanical technician by profession for almost three decades now, so don't really consider myself 'In ...
William Summers 7

Inverter for low Vdc

I just read the post by Paul Latina about grid tied low power devices and the response by Chris Brown gave a listing of supplies...
William Wurtz 1

Shurflo DC Surface Water Pump Question

Hi! Can I ask what is the maximum inlet and outlet head height/lenght for water transfer because it will be used in an existing ...
Yans Demesa 1

Xantrex Prosine Remote cable length?

My hydroelectric generator is about 100 feet from the house and thats where the batteries and inverter is as well.  I'...
Zachary M 4

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