RE General Discussion

Feel free to talk about anything and everything about renewable energy in this board. From reasons for using alternative energy to general questions on types of systems are right for your needs.


Subject Started by Replies

Excellent place to further educate about green energy

This place has some awesome dvd's about many different types of green energy, and how to put them into practice. A few...
Adam Bond 1

Need info on Wind Gen system

Hello, Im looking to buy atleast one windgenerator and grid tie inverter. But i have no idea what i need for my specific ne...
Adam Bond 2

Wind energy

Wind has a lot of caliber which we are still unaware about. Wind turbines can provide more energy than the world’s energy cons...
Abomi Dorset 6

appliances stop working on system

Hello,    I have a system setup and running for the last five to six months, four gulf cart batteries, 170 wa...
A. Hayles 6

Charge controller for sell back system

Does anyone make a charge controller for a high voltage (310 to 360 VDC) sell back system?  My wife is going to be very unh...

Is it posible to change the wiring of a module from 24 Volts to 12. By Nathan

I Bought a Shell Solar Module 150 Watt 43.4 Volts Open Circuit Voltage 34.0 V Rated V. on the instruction booklet it explains ho...
Nathan L J 2

Looking for projects

I am looking for anyone who has a solar project they have done to help cut back on gas cost. I am looking for you to write an ar...
Jd N 5

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