Looking for projects

25 Posts
Jun 6, 2008 06:10 pm
Looking for projects

I am looking for anyone who has a solar project they have done to help cut back on gas cost. I am looking for you to write an article and include photos for the website GasGouging.com. I need an article in wordpad or other text format and include several high quality .jpg images to go along with the article. We do not pay for this, however if you would like to see your project featured on our website, send me additional info. Ideas would be a homegrown solar backup system, homemade wind turbine, etc. Thanks!
184 Posts
Jun 7, 2008 04:57 pm
Re: Looking for projects

I have a small-scale solar PV system that I hope to use someday to provide at least a portion of the electricity required to charge an electric car.  I might buy a "Th!nk City" car when they become available next year. I've written many articles about alternative transportation on my blog http://solarjohn.blogspot.com
184 Posts
Jun 9, 2008 06:50 pm
Re: Looking for projects

How many hits do you get on your website each month?

76 Posts
Jun 10, 2008 01:18 pm
Re: Looking for projects

I just finished my Dodge Dakota.  It's all-electric.  I'll be finishing the garage later this year so the truck can be charged on solar and wind power.
578 Posts
Jun 10, 2008 01:26 pm
Re: Looking for projects

hey travis, that's great, did you use a kit or totally DIY it?  i've got the biodiesel jetta going again, but may want a new money pit.  a pickup would be cool to call pv gear in.

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76 Posts
Jun 11, 2008 11:02 am
Re: Looking for projects

hey travis, that's great, did you use a kit or totally DIY it?  i've got the biodiesel jetta going again, but may want a new money pit.  a pickup would be cool to call pv gear in.

Alt-E staff

I purchased a number of the parts from one place, but not really in a kit.  I designed a few of the parts myself on a CADD and had a machine shop make them for me.  Aside from that, I did all the work myself.  The truck didn't leave my garage from the time I drove it in under gas power to the time I drove it out 12 months later under electric power.  I did a number of things I hadn't seen done elsewhere, including using 14" tall floor scrubber batteries (Trojan J185H) for the propulsion pack- times ten for 120vdc.  The bed tilts up for battery access, and is totally empty, so you can still use it to haul.  Our longest range test so far is 28.8 miles.  We're going to try to find a flatter place to test it this weekend, so we can see what kind of range we'll really get with it.

If you do an EV, pick a '91-'96 Dakota long-bed (ours is a shortbed) with the regular cab and bench seat (seats 3), and you should be able build an EV with a 50+ mile range and a 65+mph top speed, without sacraficing bed space for batteries.  With the longbed, you may be able to use Trojan's J305H 6v battery.

I'm hoping to have more pictures in my gallery soon, but I've had other projects taking my time as well, like our Jetski and off-grid garage, where the Dakota was put together.

It is my intention to build a 120mi. EV.  This was the first one, and I did not expect to reach that goal the first time.  I'm happy with the >30 mile range this one has for a first attempt, and will be using this one as a reference while i build the next one.. after which time the first one will be for sale Wink
« Last Edit: Jun 11, 2008 01:02 pm by Travis McMillian »

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