RE General Discussion

Feel free to talk about anything and everything about renewable energy in this board. From reasons for using alternative energy to general questions on types of systems are right for your needs.


Subject Started by Replies

wire size for grounding panels

when grounding panels, should the grounding conductor wire size be sized for the total Isc x 1.3 of all the panels being connect...
James Johnson 9

wiring solar panels together

Does anyone have links to information on how to wire solar panels in an array. I've purchased one solar panel and want to g...
Vince Allen 7

wiring up 2 inverters

has anyone hooked up two inverters to one solar system. say one inverter runs like attic fans during the day and the other runs ...
Byron W 2

wood drying shed

I would like to build a solar powered wood drying shed approx 1400 sq ft. 12' x 20' x 7' high. Something similar ...
John Laughlin 8

wvo/svo/ biodiesel generator

Please look at the wvo/svo/biodiesel generator demonstration:
Georges Valme 0

Xantrex discontinuing solar?

Hi, I'm researching how to connect a generator to my off-grid PV system which currently has a Xantrex XW60 MPPT charge cont...
Matthew E 1

[Reminder] MIT Wind Night tomorrow

Business of Windpower Symposium6:00 PM, Tuesday, October 21st, MIT Room 56-114 (Whitaker Building), Cambridge, MA, 02139 http://...
MIT Wind Night 0

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