RE General Discussion

Feel free to talk about anything and everything about renewable energy in this board. From reasons for using alternative energy to general questions on types of systems are right for your needs.


Subject Started by Replies

What is the value of this wind generator?

My computerless uncle wants me to try and sell his wind generator.He tells me it is a Winpower  32 volt, 1850 watt, 3 blade...
Hank 1

Need help with solar panels

We recently purchase a house and the seller left numerous items.  Among them are 5 solar panels.  Two of them are labe...
Jessica Wall 1

thinking about the wind

I live in southern Michigan on a 200 acre farm.  My electric bill says I use around 170 kwh per month.  Can I produce ...
Lucinda Milligan 1

composting toilet

Hello everyone,  I have a question.  My family and I are planning on moving into an RV in the next couple years, and I...
Mel anderson 1

Questions installing a Solar panel system?

Has anyone installed a Solar panel system themselves and if so is there a way to use the power from the Solar system first befor...
Biohaz25 1

Ideas for an irrigation system

I am interested in ideas to use alternative energy to drive a portable irrigation system for a 10 acre plot on a lake in central...
Buddy Green 1

Best way to connect Air-X wire leads

Hi Gang, Excited to try out my new Air-X 400. Was wondering what is the best way for connecting the raw wire leads comi...
Robo Yak 1

Can someone help me?

I am doing a proect on wind power and was delighted to find this site. But I am having trouble inding some products powered by w...
Anne 1

anybody with a windmill near Denton TX?

hi, we're interested in having our own windmill.  we live near Denton, Texas on several acres.  it is always windy her...
JRios 1

Code compliant PV systems

If you would like to know more about the National Electrical Code or NEC concerning Article 690 Photovoltaics, here is a great s...
Thomas Allen Schmidt 1

Am I really being Net Metered?

Perhaps I'm just being paranoid, but how do I know that the power I am sending back through my utility meter is actually offsett...
Chris_H 1

Re: Alternative Energy Business

Would like to ask the advice of all here. Am in search of ideas on what would be a good Alternative Energy Business to ...
Steve Colwell 1

"Earn big money installing RE." ?!

Are you a renewable energies worker? Do you feel like your not getting payed a fair amount? Are you an employer of RE wo...
Thomas Allen Schmidt 1

Charging batteries

Hello, I recently went live with my system and have a battery question. My system consists of 12 BPSX3200 modules wired 3 st...
Timothy Karl 1

DC wind energy....AM I CRAZEY???

I am looking at building a wind turbine generator using manufactured turbine and blades mounted on a belt driven system of autom...
Chris Ivers 1

Large Wind Turbine News

At the Alternative Energy Store we deal mostly with small wind projects, but in the news last week were two stories that caught ...
Chris Brown 1

12 volt system

Hi I'm wondering is there any real benefit of having a battery bank larger than a 12 volt system. With the MPPT controllers...
Charles Harte 1

high mass heating system

im remodeling my house and have the opportunity to add a sand high mass floor as described by bob ramlow in his book solar water...
Christopher Schober 1


I am looking to change my 120 volt motion detector flood lights to 12 volts (These are outdoor flood lights. can anyone reco...
Rene M 1

Charge controller for sell back system

Does anyone make a charge controller for a high voltage (310 to 360 VDC) sell back system?  My wife is going to be very unh...

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