battery bank

8 Posts
Sep 18, 2014 09:01 pm
battery bank

im looking at a solar system for my house that comes with a  48V, 400 Ah AGM Battery bank  with a 8.2 kw array does that bank sound big enough  and a OUTBACK FLEXPOWER TWO FP2 VFX3648 48VDC/240VAC  inverter
Any thought would be great
462 Posts
Sep 21, 2014 12:37 pm
Re: battery bank

Wayne, when you say 8.2 KW do you mean that you have 8000 watts of panels, eg 80 panels x 100 watts each?
 If that is the case then at 48 volts, you are producing around 160 amps. So 8 hrs of sun would give you 1280 amp hrs. , almost three time your battery storage. So that battery bank would be a little small.
 Usually you design a battery bank to have enough storage for three days based on your electrical usage, then size your pv array to be able to recharge the batteries on a daily bases based on your daily use plus enough to keep the battery bank at a full charge.
  So perhaps you can be more specific as to the amount and wattage of panels you are looking to purchase.
8 Posts
Sep 23, 2014 11:03 pm
Re: battery bank

Well the array is based on me running a pool pump during the summer during daylight hours the pump about 10 amps its self so that would use alot of the power. So im after a larger array to beable to use the power when the sunshines and then cut back on what we use on day of less sunshine
462 Posts
Sep 29, 2014 11:29 am
Re: battery bank

Wayne, so 10 amps at 110 volts would be 1100 Watts or 2200 watts if the pump is 220 volts. Using 10 , 200 watt panels would work to run the pump directly or at least maintain the battery you mentioned, ( 40 amps x 8-10 hrs ). If you plan on making such an investment you should also look into using the system year round for other electrical needs when the pool is closed in order to get a better and faster payback.
  Another option is to change your pump motor to one that is DC.

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