Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva

1 Posts
Aug 6, 2003 09:08 pm
Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva

I am looking for solar panels to buy and use in Nigeria
I will like to know if you make sola panels that produce power as much as 10kva - 30kva. Also i want to know if these panels can work in Nigeria.
The voltage ratings in Nigeria is 200v - 240v.
Do you make panels that can meet these specifications? If you do,please be kind enough to reach by email. If the conditions  are right, i might just be interested in becoming a distributor.


Ejovi K Oghor

2 Posts
Sep 17, 2003 09:03 pm
Re: Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva

I am interesting with your distribution.

Canada ExSolar International Inc.

> I am looking for solar panels
>to buy and use in Nigeria
>I will like to know if
>you make sola panels that produce
>power as much as 10kva -
>30kva. Also i want to know
>if these panels can work in
>Nigeria. The voltage ratings in Nigeria
>is 200v - 240v. Do you
>make panels that can meet these
>specifications? If you do,please be kind
>enough to reach by email. If
>the conditions  are right, i
>might just be interested in becoming
>a distributor.
>Ejovi K Oghor

1 Posts
Oct 7, 2003 08:34 am
Re: Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva


I took interest in your mail because my son is your name sake.

Anyway, solar panels are abundantly available in Nigeria for sale especially in Lagos.

From the content of your mail, I imagine that you probably have not quite decided how you would use these panels, and you probably do not have the slightest idea of what these size of solar panels will cost you. I bought a 75w panel about 5 years ago for about 50,000Naira.

I guess besides these panels you would need batteries and an inverter.

Best of luck.

Apr 17, 2004 04:46 am
Re: Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva


I read your response to the message about the availability of solar panel in Nigeria. I am also very interested in aquiring one. Can you give an idea where it is available in Lagos? (I'm currently outside the country but have relatives in Lagos).

Nyerhovwo Tonukari

>I took interest in your mail because
>my son is your name sake.
>Anyway, solar panels are abundantly available in
>Nigeria for sale especially in Lagos.
>From the content of your mail, I
>imagine that you probably have not
>quite decided how you would use
>these panels, and you probably do
>not have the slightest idea of
>what these size of solar panels
>will cost you. I bought a
>75w panel about 5 years ago
>for about 50,000Naira.
>I guess besides these panels you would
>need batteries and an inverter.
>Best of luck.

1 Posts
Aug 29, 2005 08:27 am
Re: Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva

>Ejovi, please, i want to you to provide with necessary information, in order to help me plan ahead send me a message via my email address and your phone number so that we can chat much.
>I took interest in your mail because
>my son is your name sake.
>Anyway, solar panels are abundantly available in
>Nigeria for sale especially in Lagos.
>From the content of your mail, I
>imagine that you probably have not
>quite decided how you would use
>these panels, and you probably do
>not have the slightest idea of
>what these size of solar panels
>will cost you. I bought a
>75w panel about 5 years ago
>for about 50,000Naira.
>I guess besides these panels you would
>need batteries and an inverter.
>Best of luck.

1 Posts
Feb 16, 2006 02:46 pm
Re: Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva

Hello there,
I am Robert from Ibadan, i want to know the price of the 75w you said u bought and i also want to know the adress in Nigeria of the company that sells it.

>I am interesting with your distribution.
>Canada ExSolar International Inc.
>> I am looking for solar panels
>>to buy and use in Nigeria
>>I will like to know if
>>you make sola panels that produce
>>power as much as 10kva -
>>30kva. Also i want to know
>>if these panels can work in
>>Nigeria. The voltage ratings in Nigeria
>>is 200v - 240v. Do you
>>make panels that can meet these
>>specifications? If you do,please be kind
>>enough to reach by email. If
>>the conditions  are right, i
>>might just be interested in becoming
>>a distributor.
>>Ejovi K Oghor


1 Posts
Jan 24, 2009 04:20 am
Re: Solar Panels of 10kva - 30kva

Ru still looking for solar pannel ?
let me know?
« Last Edit: Dec 16, 2010 12:49 pm by Chris Kadar »

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