
Looking to to buy some renewable energy product? Post what you want here!


Subject Started by Replies

wanting an xantrex swplus 4024 inverter

Currently have a swplus 4024 inverter and am looking for another to stack with it. if you have or know of one please contact me ...
Onias Martin 0

WANTED: Used solar setup and or wind setup

Wanted: used solar setup and or wind setup Disabled couple living off-grid (no access to utilities) in Idaho looking fo...
William Caudill 0

iso trace sw4024, t240, blades or cheap whole bergey xl1

Give me a shout if you have any of this older stuff that you want to get rid of. Thanx
Rick Niles 0

Danby frig thermostat control assembly

I have a danby propane frig model DPR2262W My capacitor wire that senses frig temp has  come disconnected from my therm...
Thomas Kramer 0

Jacobs 17.5 kw blades

I'm looking for a set of three new or used Jacobs blades. Pls contact me at email or phone: rstickle @ midwest3pl.com ...
Rick Stickle 0

Looking for donation of a DC submersible pump for a school in rural India

Hi I am a part of a group of individuals who dream to set-up a school campus that thinks, makes you question, wonder, and sp...
Ratnesh Mathur 0

Want dealer from local.

We are a manufacturer of solar panels and off=grid system.  Low MOQ and great price.  Email me for m...
Ray John 1

New Technology?

I am involved in a small company, based in Europe, which has new technology that enables the use of geothermal energy almost any...
Blaine Landreman 4

want to purchase used solar pathfinder

prefer unit with base and carrying case
John Anderson 6

GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

I'm looking for burned up, non-functional Advanced Energy GC-1000 Grid Tie Inverters.  Must be complete, not missing any co...
Jim Parish 11

Sun Tracking Platform for PV Array?

This is my first post, so please excuse me if I'm in the wrong place. I am looking for plans or designs for a sun tracking platf...
John-Paul Shaw 1

Any Xantrex DR Series US Inverters, C35/C40/C60 Charge Controllers

If anyone has new or slightly used Xantrex DR inverter/chargers, I am looking for them.  We bould transportable solar gener...
Anthony Williams 6


I am looking for information on how to build an inverter.The load is 1800watts at 120V for 15 min.I am using two deep cycle mari...
Ray Beaudry 1

Looking for Photowatt PW1000 panels in NJ

Hello,  I need 4 of these panels to complete my string. Must be 24V configurable, prefer the 105W variety. I'm loc...
John Anderson 4

3 years off grid! female designed & constucted homestead seeks 80 watt panel(s)

My 5 acre homestead is completely off grid in the mojave desert.  With no prior training or knowledge, I sought to build a ...
Karen E 6

How many watts?

    I recently traded for a solar powered Inverter But I know nothing about what it is I've got Its tandem trailer mou...
Larry Baldridge 1

Trace Microsine Inverters

I am willing to pay up to $200 for anyone looking to sell Trace Microsine utility intertie inverters.  They also have gone ...
Ross Nizlek 4

Used composting toilet

Hi all, I am looking for a used composting toilet in good condition. I live in the DC area but wouldbe willing for pay ...
Bridgette D 7

Wanted: Jacobs wind generator....

... and tower preferably in Wisconsin but we will travel to the surrounding states for the right deal.  It can be standing ...
Dawn Buxton 1

Used AGM batteries

I am looking for a used 300-400 AH 24v AGM battery set.  Hopefully, in the Maine, Massachusetts areas.  I am putting t...
James J 2

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