Apr 24, 2014 10:40 pm
Re: Lorentz PS600 Photovoltaic Pool Pump System
I had no luck finding any reviews for this product prior to my purchasing the system...so I hope this helps anyone who might be searching:The pump is strong enough to run my creepy crawly. this was my biggest concern. As long as there is direct sunlight on the panels, the pump pushes more than enough water to run the creepy crawly: Just finished the install at my home here in Hawaii. I am very please with the system.I installed 6 Trina 185 Watt panels, I used quick mounts for mounting the rails on my asphalt shingle roof, this took about 3 hrs. Most of the time spent was making sure I hit the joist with the hanger bolt. I spaced the mounts 6 feet apart. Portrait orientation.All the mounting hardware is sold separately. The pump, controller and disconnect comes pr-wired, however I would recommend that you fully inspect all the factory wiring. I'M GLAD I DID, BUT I WONT ELABORATE. I installed Jandy valves in my system so i can isolate each pump, so i can run the AC pump if needed. I dont think i will ever use my AC pump again, (I HOPE). AC pump has a 3/4 hp motor, 1.25hp is stamped on the side of the pump (not sure how this calculates out.Total install time, by myself 10hrs + 2hrs to pound in the ground rod.
This is an off-grid system
4/24/2014: System is still operating like a champ. Installed in January of 2012. I figure I've saved about $2,800.00 to date. I paid around $6,900.00 for the system and installed it myself. With the Hawaii credits i figure i paid about $2,500.00 for the system..so it's paid for itself already.
The pump runs from dusk till dawn. Can't imagine the cost to run my AC pump for that amount of time.
My pool stays much cleaner as well.
Less maintenance too.