available VRLA Batteries 2V, 200AH - 600AH cells

1 Posts
Nov 25, 2008 01:07 am
available VRLA Batteries 2V, 200AH - 600AH cells

We are working together with alliance partner, Zhejiang Wolong Dengta Power Source Co Ltd in China, which has a history of more then 50 years of Proven Technology in VRLA Batteries, from Oerlikon.

Our all the products, conform to GR No. GR/BAT-01/03, MAR 2004 with amendment dated 01-05-2005 and IEC 60896 Part 2 ,

available stocks in wide ranges from 2V, 200Ah to 600Ah. Batteries of different Voltage combinations can be supplied.

We have one of the most advanced manufacturing as well as well equipped Battery testing facility in INDIA, at an investment of USD 8 Million.

We welcome any serious enquiries.
1 Posts
Mar 10, 2011 05:00 am
Re: available VRLA Batteries 2V, 200AH - 600AH cells

Dear Sir,
Kindly provide us further information about VRLA Batteries 2V, 200AH - 600AH cells.
Kind regards,

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