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Subject Started by Replies

Looking for somewhere can custom Interior LED Tubes?

Once again i was looking online for more interior light for my own house,in order make my living room brighter, I'm lo...
Lee Bella 0

Green Computing Tips

Green computing ensures that computer resources are efficiently used by controlling power consumption as well as manufacturing c...
Robert Mathew 2

The Haney Energy Saving Group: Common Sense Energy-Savings Tips, and then Some

Some of the most unappreciated measures to take in reducing our energy consumption hark back to old or traditional practices bef...
Haizelle ZMorgan 1

Money Making Recycling Tips

Recycling is rapidly becoming a profitable business and also helps to maintain green sustainable ecology. Recycling organic wast...
Robert Mathew 1

Great Job

Just wanted to let you know what a great job you guys and girls are doing. We are an installer in New Brunswick Canada and have ...
Richard Knappe 0

DC voltage

Hi, Want to put solar power in a 2 bed room house off the Grid. What is the best voltage an setup for a house that size?...
Mark Pinheiro 1

RMA/customer support???

What's up in the customer support department? I can't get an answer, or a return call. Also, in the time it&#...
Douglas Toltzman 2

Help Wanted!

Hello lovely people. I'm new in here but I really need some help from you guys. Honestly speaking I want to put this site t...
Nizam Nasirudin 0

Renewable Sources

Hi friends, I am preparing a presentation on various types of renewable energy resources. The content available on internet ...
Adrianne Smith 2

Wind Power

hey guys, would anyone be interested in discussing about wind mills... I have written an article on http://www.findgre...
Shawn Smith 3

Diversion load water heater

I have a low voltage water heater element ALR-12/24-WHE to replace the existing heat element for my diversion load. My system is...
Larry Lupole 7


WHAT IS THE LIFE TIME OF MK 8L16 370 Ah (20 Hr) 6 V Flooded Battery?
Ashven Asven 7

available VRLA Batteries 2V, 200AH - 600AH cells

We are working together with alliance partner, Zhejiang Wolong Dengta Power Source Co Ltd in China, which has a history of more ...
R P Soni 1

Suggest me energy efficient Solar Panel

Hi all, Please suggest me which solar panel shall I consider while purchasing. I want to reduce heating cost. ...
Robert Mathew 0

Solar EV charging station

Hi all,  I have a few questions about a project I would like to get started on.  I have 1000W of solar panels an...
Adam P 6

loads database . . . participate!

hi friends on the forum.  prove me right on the "field of dreams" theory. . .  if you build it, they will co...
James Cormican 1

love the new printed catalog

nice and professional...nice to have everything in "one" place and browse through.
James Johnson 1

want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

Want to buy above tank to replace my existing leaking tank. I am in Boston area. My zip code is 02420. Anybody can tell me the s...
James Mei 8

Trying to understand micro-hydroelectric power...

I understand the concept but I have difficulty understanding some of the things that can happen in real life... For instance, &#...
John Pham 2

Homegrown solar attic ventilation

*** Sorry, I meant to post this in the Technical category, not site discussion.  *** I watched the video of the ga...
Todd Lyons 0

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