Technical Discussion: Solar Electric System - Photovoltaic

Share your questions and experience with others on off-grid and grid-tie solar electric systems. Our own NABCEP PV Certified installers also frequent this forum to lend a hand.


Subject Started by Replies

Solar charger controller question??

Hi Guys, I have 840watts off solar panels, and 25 12v 72a/h deep cycle batteries, and I'm wandering if my solars w...
Marcin Rzeszotko 6

Solar Installation Software

Hello, Please help me in finding the best software for Solar Installation Calculation with great accuracy
Lee Bella 2

solar panel mounting

  I want to mount 3 sharp 240w solar panels on my south wall of an off grid log cabin.I have 3 on garage roof facing south ...
James Anspaugh 7

solar panel output

I’m a little puzzled on this. Kyocera solar panels KC 40T is rated at 43 watts. Now you take into consideration the ra...
Ray Grose 2

Solar Pond Diffuser Project

I have supplies that I am trying to hook up to make a diffuser system for a small pond. We currently have: 4 - 85 ...
Carrie G 1

Solar PV water heat

Joseph, for some reason, the site would not allow me to reply to your post, so I am posting my reply in this manner.  I hav...
Jon C 0

Sorry, double posted

Sorry, double posted
Neal Palmquist 0

specific PV module / charge controller question

I have in mind to use Sanyo 32v PV modules, in series strings of 3, running through a C40 controller, set to 48v to charge a bat...
Travis M 4

Stacking DR inverter with TR inverter

Is it posible to Stack one TR 2424 inverter primary unit with one DR2424 in secondary unit?
Pascal Russell 0

strange phenomena is PV output

Hi, I have 16 sunpower 318 panels connected to sma smc5000a (inTL) inverter (2 strings of 8 panels each). Each panel has...
Yonatan Yonatan 1

String inverters or microinverters

I'm planning on setting up a roof-mount system, in the range of 7.5-9 kW.  I am building a new garage that will be str...
Peter Hinckley 1

Stumped on inverter selection!

Hello all,  I'm finally ready to replace my unreliable, modified sine wave inverter with a quality unit and my numbers hav...
Adam Meredith 8

Sun Angle Calculator Program

Hello from a new solar power convert. I originally posted this in the general-discussion forum, but then discovered tha...
Mike Dodd 0

Sunny Boy vs Solar Edge

I'm installing an 8000 w array on my barn Pretty ideal case facing south with no shading. I'm debating Sunny Boy vs So...
Donald Edmonston 2

Sunsaver MPPT with RM-1 remote (Morningstar)

Just bought and installed both. All is well except that the RM-1 doesn't show the actual amperage (solar Current) delivered...
Richard Dubé 2

Swimming Pool Pump

I have an existing Hayward Super II pool pump, 3/4 hp, 230 v and .55 KW (information from motor label). Can I run this pump with...
David Snow 1

System design advice.

System design for off grid home. Equipment for power creation is already owned. 3 Solarworld Panels Model# Sunmodul...
David M 0

Time to get serious designing my off-grid home solution

The first step was taking my garage / workshop off-grid.  With 4 Kyocera and 4 Mitsu 125w panels, and an Air-X wind generat...
Travis M 7

Tri - Metric model TM 2020

 My battery monitor has been going sorta OK, but now it just flashes a series of "000000" real fast. There ha...
Tom Dobson 1

Two different sized batteries off one panel

Greetings, I have a situation where I have a 180w panel which was given to me because it was broken.  I've made it...
Nathan D 1

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