Technical Discussion: Solar Electric System - Photovoltaic

Share your questions and experience with others on off-grid and grid-tie solar electric systems. Our own NABCEP PV Certified installers also frequent this forum to lend a hand.


Subject Started by Replies

parallel shunt charge controllers

what type of combiner box or ? do I need in order to run (2) ASC shunt controllers to the same battery bank?  Help please&#...
James Johnson 0

parallel solar off grid inverter with diesel generator

Dear Sir I have a 250 kva diesel generator 380v 3 phase supplying power to residential area for 10 hours a day due to utilit...
Shaman Abla 0

Please critique my system

I would like to power 8 LED lights, 15 watts each. could someone please critique my system and tell me if the wiring is correct?...
Nick van Dijk 1

pv system for 500 square foot cabin.

Hello, I have a small remote (off grid for now, the telephone company just installed poles and strung wires) hunting ca...
Frank Erdmann 3

PWM or MPPT for a Uni-Solar thin film with Vmp=16.2V ?

Hi, I want to build a 12V system with thin film flexible panels, which have Vmp=16.2V. It will be installed in an area havin...
Gabriel Cravchik 1

Question about battery capacity when wired in series vs. parallel

Hello, I have 4 150 amp hour batteries. When wired in parallel, this would give me 600 amp hours at 12 volts. ...
Robert Kovalik 2

Raising PV panels above trees

My location in the woods creates problems for getting sunlight to PV panels.  I'm looking for advice on how best to ge...
Jerry Wenzel 2

Real world question

I have a question about Charge Controllers and how much they can handle. I am in a position where I have increased my panel outp...
Charles Harte 2

reduced panel output

After a recent move I was reinstalling my small off grid system that provides power to a small workshop.  I found that one ...
Robert Williams 1

Replacements for Solarex MSX-60

I have MSX-60 panels that are 19.75" wide and 43.63" tall.  Does anyone know of a direct replacement for these?&n...
Steve Homan 1

Should I Even try to DIY a PV Solar install?

I've got a 1500 sqft cabin that sits way off the main road.  The power company wants almost $15,000 to run their cable...
Tom Mathis 6

Should I use a mppt500 or mppt500hv ?

I am building a small off grid system using two 230 watt panels. They are 34 volts open 8 amps each, BP 3230T. I can wire th...
Lj Gwen 3

Should I wire solar panels in series or parallel?

So if I have 2 identical KD135SX-UPU panels (17.7v Max Power, 22.1v Open Circuit) and I’m charging a 12v battery bank (4 @ 6v,...
John Kozell 5

Simple questions for my RV solar setup:

I'm not sure if the panel I want is compatible with my batteries or mainly with the charge controller I already got. &...
bb Brandon Buckley 2

Single axis solar tracker Design

Dear all, I am student. I am doing project on single axis solar tracking application.Ihave implimented my c code from Below ...
Ajit Nayak 0

Situational System

I have a desire to get an expandable solar system started. I have quite a few issues that I think might be expensive problems. M...
Joe B 9

Sizing Fuses

I'm wondering if I could get some guidance in regards to sizing fuses for a few solar systems, as I've never done it b...
Bradley Galbraith 2

small off-grid: solar charge controller + inverter compatibility for LVD purpos?

Hi, Our non-profit helps train about, and install, renewable energy systems in remote villages in developing countries. ...
Michel Maupoux 5

SMK or MC4

Hello, I'm finalizing the configuration of a new system (my first) and have a few questions regarding the connectors an...
Lion Benjamins 5

Solar car

I am an engineering student. I am making a solar car for my major project. like this one   http://solarcar.sta...
Shalit Dubey 0

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