Wind data

1 Posts
Jun 26, 2001 07:07 am
Wind data

I'm looking for a weather data, mostly wind, that I can use to collect data using my PC.  I see a lot of self contained units but I'm really looking for an outside unit that will provide me with Wind speed & direction along with the means to connect to a PC with software to collect the data.
Jul 1, 2001 11:30 am
Re: Wind data

I know of two companies that make fairly simple wind speed data logging equipment that will interface with your computer. The first is NRG systems in Vermont and the second is Secondwind whose location escapes me. These companies both make very large, expensive and complex system for wind farm developers etc.,. but they used to make scaled down units for homeownsers. Even though the residential variety is rather expensive though but there may be some leasing programs available.

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