Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

4 Posts
May 1, 2007 11:13 am
Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

No longer available
« Last Edit: Oct 5, 2009 10:40 pm by John Elliott »
May 15, 2007 05:22 pm
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

This sounds like a great opportunity.  I am helping a friend
with his Jacobs turbine.  It has been inactive for about six
years and the blades no longer turn.  If he is unable to repair it then he may be looking at purchasing another.  Your input would be very beneficial as to possible problems, parts availability, and cost of replacement of the unit.  I was unable to get any information about the turbine itself but the inverter is rated at 17.5 kw.  The turbine was on his property when he purchased it and he doesn't know anything about it.  Appreciate any help you can provide.
Thanks, Mike Neumiller
Jun 6, 2007 12:10 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

I am interested in learning more about the 20kw jacobs turbines you are offering for sale.Where are you located,how much are you asking for them,what is included,tower requirements,etc.  best regards
Gordon Smallwood
1 Posts
Jul 5, 2007 11:33 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

Do you have any of the Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines still available? Where are you located and how do you do shipments?
1 Posts
Jul 9, 2007 07:30 pm
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

I am also curious as to the cost of these turbines. Please email me with details.
Mike Hawkins
hawkins @
2 Posts
Nov 26, 2007 03:36 pm
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

hi please contact me about wind turbine package's turbines towers prices ect.spollack @
Mar 25, 2008 07:10 pm
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

please email me back with prices and your location
Apr 29, 2008 07:13 pm
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

Hi. I am also wondering the costs of your rebuit wind generators? 
1 Posts
May 1, 2008 08:53 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

I am interested in prices and other specs
4 Posts
May 14, 2008 02:34 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

Do you still have any of the 20kw turbines left to sell that is working . what is the Price of the generators?
email me please with the price and if any is still aval.
larry32060 @
1 Posts
Jun 15, 2008 11:09 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

Would like prices, location, and any other useful info.
1 Posts
Jul 16, 2008 09:58 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

Would be please email a quote, along with specs, if any Jacobs 20 kW are still available.

refreshinc @
1 Posts
Sep 6, 2008 10:19 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

I am interested in your rebuilt turbines.
can you email me availability, price, and any
warranty information.
Thanks, Crosby
1 Posts
Oct 26, 2008 11:56 pm
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

would like to know if you have any of the 20k generators left for sale and how much and where they are located.
1 Posts
Nov 9, 2008 11:55 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

Hi, I have an old jake 17 kw I bought off ebay, it is almost up and running and I have the original owners manual with pretty much all the specs one needs to know, from the engineering drawings and foundation specs to the gen and inverter, I also have some pdf files from WTIC that they sent to me on the internal parts of the inverter (the old one) and troubleshooting for it as well as adjustments,I also got a hold of the original onan generator manual, if anyone is interested let me know and I could scan the manuals and post it on the site if possible, it was very handy to have, I studied the theory and learned alot, it helped me tear down and rebuild my gen:)
1 Posts
Dec 30, 2008 05:06 pm
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

To Ashish Gavali.
If you have a manual for your Onan generator, I certainly could appreciate a copy of it.  My Jacobs 17.5 kW machine shorted out Christmas eve and I will need all the info I can get to restore it.  Thanks. johncarpen @
Jan 22, 2009 06:34 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

I have several Jacobs 20KW wind turbines which have been completely rebuilt. Generator windings have been revarnished, bearings have been replaced, etc. I can offer quality rebuilt wind turbine systems at 50% off list price. If you are looking for anything from parts to complete systems, write me for a quotation.

John Elliott  JRE_56 @

I want to build a solar wind system, the system will be near Clarksdale Mississippi the 20 kw turbine you have thats just the generator not the blades etc...
I need a complet system, not sure if it will be grid-tie or off-grid the incentive programs are p-poor in mississippi.
Give me some idea of how much.
If you know of any government grants or tax breaks let me know.
1 Posts
Apr 30, 2009 09:35 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

I have a 17 kw Jacobs turbine. If you have any manuals or diagrams, adjustment procedures, etc., I would be interested in obtaining copies.
Thanks, Jerry
1 Posts
May 14, 2009 02:37 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

prices&reliability any inverters for system
1 Posts
Jul 10, 2011 08:08 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

Hi,  I am working on a twin tower jake and need the schematics and any info you could provide on the inverter.  If you could email me the pdf file that would be great.  kerryjonjon @
Oct 3, 2014 06:04 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

i have a complete 17.5 kw system for sale. i can dil. this 80' machine for 15,000 cash on dil.. my phone number is 207 762 0674, thanks marcel theriault
Oct 3, 2014 06:10 am
Re: Rebuilt Jacobs 20KW wind turbines

i have a 17.5 kw jacobs machine, complete with an 80' tower can dil. to you for $15,000.00. call me at 207 762 0674, thanks for the interest.

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