charging battery

2 Posts
Jul 29, 2004 11:23 am
charging battery

can any one tell me approximately the time it would take to charge a 12 volt battery using a 5 watt solar panel? thanks
20 Posts
Jul 29, 2004 02:16 pm
Re: charging battery

Assuming it is a typical 80 amp deep cycle you would need 80 amps x 12 volts or 960w to charge it from dead.

Now a typical 80a battery will loose about .5 amp a day from fully charged so that is 6 watts a day just to maintain the battery.

Now if you have good sun for 4 hours a day, that would get you 20 watts a day, 5 used to not slip backwards, so 15w in to the battery.  960w / 15w = 64 days.  Of course it depends on the size of the battery and how deeply discharged it is.  Also a 5 watt panel might actually supply closer to 3.5w to 4w at 12v rather then the 5w at 18v.


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