SOLAR ROI payback

3 Posts
May 11, 2008 11:18 pm
SOLAR ROI payback

Many talk about the Return On Investment of solar. There was a great article in Home Power Issue 100 a while back where a friend Paul Symansky wrote how you get an 8% return , this was before Federal incentives or good net-metering.

   It just keeps getting better. Did you also know that you get a 4 times faster return if you use the solar to charge your plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle ? Just do basic math, an EV goes about 20-30 miles on 80 cents of Amerixcan AC power. Most cars go 20-30 miles on a gallon of gas that is 60% imported oil and costs $3.50 and rising. It really cost our country $7-8 bucks since we still give incentives to big oil and have for 30 years.

   That doesn't even count the reduced pollution, less water use since solar uses none and energy security. Some even add the cost of the free Iraq oil at 3 trillion. What a payback if we all did our part.

    Just think about it. What a difference you can make in the world and save money too. I guess that's why we call it GREEN living.   

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