my homebru hydro system

6 Posts
Feb 21, 2008 10:53 pm
my homebru hydro system


A while back I started building a home bru hydroelectric system and since I shop here I thought I'd show some pics.

It uses an olive barrel with a PMA and pelton wheel with 2 1/8th inch jets fed by an 1-1/2 inch line with about 200 feet of head.  Its just getting off the ground but its charged a few batteries!!
(click on the MKI link to see how it evolved)

Its producing 12 volts but I've yet to be able to measure amps.  I'm just ordering the LCD module for the c30 so I can get more information about what is going on.

Also going to put in a set of l16 batteries next week and see how they do.

Anyway, just thought you all might be interested. 

Thanks for the site and great prices!


Mar 27, 2008 05:07 pm
Re: my homebru hydro system

Cool thanks for sharing
6 Posts
May 13, 2008 07:30 pm
Re: my homebru hydro system

thanks.  I've made some improvements and am using it quite a bit.  It makes about 150 watts, which isn't that much, but it runs 24/7 and my house doesn't use that much power.

Now with summer coming I need some more solar panels -- the water will be going away once mid june/july gets here!

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