Windmill Installation Costs

2 Posts
Nov 16, 2007 12:53 pm
Windmill Installation Costs

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to model a home's electricity costs for a school project.  I'm including the installation of a windmill.  I was able to find the price of windmills easily enough, but I know there are other installation costs, primarily the cost of the tower.  I know you can't give specifics since this is a hypothetical situation, but do you know what the average installation cost would be for an 80ft tower? Or could you give a high and low estimate?  Any help would be much appreciated.  Thank you very much.
28 Posts
Nov 16, 2007 03:32 pm
Re: Windmill Installation Costs

80 ft is relatively tall.  Are you sure it needs to be that high?

One thing that would make a major difference in cost is if the tower could be guyed, or if it must be free standing.  Guys will take a considerable area.  You should have enough area for at least 3 guy points 2/3 as far away from the tower as the tower is high, 2/3 * 80 = 60 ft, so that would be a triangle 90 ft across the bottom x 90 ft in height.  The guyed tower structure itself would be much cheaper than a free standing tower and the foundation needed to support it.  Can you fit a guyed tower in the area available? 
2 Posts
Nov 16, 2007 05:23 pm
Re: Windmill Installation Costs

A guyed tower would fit in the area available.  In terms of the height, I don't know exactly how tall it needs to be, but I would say at least 50 feet because there is a wooded area nearby that the windmill should be above.  Thanks.
11 Posts
Nov 20, 2007 06:22 pm
Re: Windmill Installation Costs

Hi  Adam. yes there are other costs. I bought a 29 ft tower from here, along with the lightning arrestor, cb boot/boot cover, 2 stop switch. I'll post what I got and what my costs are: Aprox costs

Air-X 24volt turbine: 550$
EZ Tower 29 ft: 500$
Delta La302 Lightning Arrestor: 47$
Circuit Breaker for airx: 25$
Circuit Breaker boot: 1.77$
2 Position Stop switch: 20$
2x 12 volt 35AH batteries: 173$
60 ft AWG 12 cable in Red/Green/black: 46$
(just ordered) Southwest 30amp meter: 22.05$

Most of that I got from this site. The Air-X can do those batteries according to it's manual, from 25AH to 25,000AH.
I didn't have much money so I couldn't get the top of the line stuff. I got some Inverters, though they're for car lighter sockets. I do have some clamps and controllers so I can use the power. I have a 75watt car lighter inverter, a 150watt trip light inverter, and a 375watt car lighter inverter. I have a female car lighter socket I clamp on my batteries so I've used the inverters before. The costs of my 2x 45watt solar pannels+ accessories = 650$, the cost of my wind generator+ accessories=1350$

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