Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

3 Posts
Aug 14, 2006 04:17 pm
Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

I am thinking of mounting a couple of AIR X (marine version) on the roof of my house which is wooden with a steel roof.
I have read that noise and vibration are a big problem with roof mounted systems. My local dealer says this is much less of a problem these days with electronic braking and new blade designs.
Does anyone have any recent experience with the newer models of wind generator, especially AIR X ?
578 Posts
Aug 14, 2006 04:58 pm
Re: Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

I would think long and hard before putting even an air-x on my roof.  One can be loud and cause vibration, two would be worse.  The performance is typically less than a properly pole mounted turbine as well.  Your dealer is right, they are better than they used to be, but even southwest windpower does not actively market the roof kits.  People insist on doing it so they made it as safe and as quiet as possible, but it is certainly not ideal.  Depending on how close your neighbors are, they might not like them on the roof at all.  Those are the negatives, but to be fair, it is much cheaper to mount on a roof, and it allows people to begin in wind who may have never attempted.  roof mounted systems have worked really well for some folks as well.  ultimately, the decision is yours, but I can't say that I am a fan of roof mounted wind turbines.

"Making Renewable Do-able"

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5 Posts
Aug 15, 2006 11:52 pm
Re: Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

Chris, I have been in the wind energy field for better than 30 years and have helped many, many people with their systems. I would NEVER recommend putting a wind turbine on the roof of any structure, especially a residence. The turbine WILL transmit vibration to the structure, and it won't take very long to get tired of hearing it. Take a 10 or 12 foot long 2x4, and have a friend barely touch a "quiet running" cordless drill to one end, while you put your ear to the other. It won't take long to see how well the vibrations are transmitted through a wood framed structure. Secondly, roof top installations place the turbine in turbulent air coming off the roof. This will result in poor performance, AND the extreme turbulence during gusty shifting winds can snap a blade off very easily. Always mount your wind machine up in "clean" air, at least 15 feet above any object within 300 feet. Your machine will be safer, and will perform much better, resulting in more power for you. Its always a good idea to check any local ordinances before putting up a tower, and if you have neighbors, talk with them about your project before the fact, not after. Lastly, although "clean air" is great, and taller towers are better, never put one up taller than you are willing to climb in the dead of winter! Good luck on your project
7 Posts
Aug 16, 2006 12:00 pm
Re: Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

This has certainly been a popular discussion.  I noticed a recent article on Renewable Energy Access addressing wind turbines on roofs of residential and commercial buildings.  There are some interesting comments as well.;jsessionid=38C608712BE605F0621D06D27B119C7D?id=45725

The Alternative Energy Store
"Making Renewable Do-able"

Tel: 877.878.4060 ext. 108  or +1.978.562.5858 ext. 108
Fax: 877.242.6718  or +1.978.562.5854
22 Posts
Aug 16, 2006 09:03 pm
Re: Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

Great website, thank you Kristen!
13 Posts
Sep 8, 2006 10:54 am
Re: Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

I would not reccommend that unless you have a concrete, or earthen roof (just in case your house is underground or bermed). I have mine mounted on a shed roof, while the Air-x is a very quiet turbine (outside noise) it will transmit vibration noise thru the structure. Plus on a roof you will get some turbulance. I get good performance and I am only 10 feet above the roof of a 12 foot structure (I think turbulance from the roof itself is over-rated, but I'm not an expert)until the wind comes from the northeast and that turbulance is from my house, but I am limited in locations I can place it. I am raising it to see if I can get away from that turbulance.
13 Posts
Sep 9, 2006 02:22 pm
Re: Wind noise and vibration of wind generators roof mounted

My point is that having to mount (at least the AIR-X) on a roof, should not necessarily negate the project. My Aix-X is ten feet over a 12 foot structure (A shed, I would not put one on the roof of a house unless it was concrete or earth bermed) I have registered 77 mph straight line winds (in a storm) from the west (my best wind field direction) with no adverse effect to the Air-X ( it shut down at the rated speed) That speed is a bit unusual, but 25-35mph is not. From the west I get good performance. From the Northeast, I get some turbulance "rotating" of the unit and I am raising the unit soon to see what happens. All other directions seem to be at rating per mph as near as i can tell with my limited insturments.

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