Great New Alternative Energy Book To Share With Group

12 Posts
Nov 22, 2008 07:25 pm
Great New Alternative Energy Book To Share With Group

 WE must make more of an effort in this nation to become energy independent. Not enough credit is being given to the high gas prices this past year and it's serious damage on our economy and society. That one factor alone has caused serious stress in both individuals and businesses. A record number of homes and jobs have been lost as a direct result. And, while we are doing the happy dance around the lower prices at the pumps OPEC is announcing cuts to manipulate the prices upward again. We must get on with becoming energy independent.We can't take another year like this past. There is a wonderful new book out about the energy crisis and what it would take for America to become energy independent. It covers every aspect of oil, what it's uses are besides gasoline, our reserves, our depletion of it. Every type of alternative energy is covered and it's potential to replace oil. He even has proposed legislative agenda's that would be necessary to implement these changes along with time frames. This book is profoundly informative and our country needs to become more informed and move forward with becoming energy independent. Green technology would not only provide clean cheap energy it would create millions of badly needed new jobs. The Book is called The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence NOW by Jeff Wilson. Our politicians all need to read this book.
Nov 23, 2008 04:09 am
Re: Great New Alternative Energy Book To Share With Group

I must have been out of school sick that day when they taught the other kids that the word "share" is synonymous with "sell" and or "purchase."

RE is, quite simply, enabling an addiction. All be it a more environmentally acceptable form, but an addiction all the same.

If we are to be independent of the natural resources that produce energy from other nations, then we need to be independent of the addiction to energy.

In a time when there was nothing else to compare it with,  taking a week walking to, or riding a horse to, a place that would only take us a couple hours today, was perfectly acceptable. Of course we look at that today as being totally unacceptable now. Whats it for, this need for speed? Speed. Now there is a word that is synonymous with another. Its even spelled the same. Speed junkies.
Ok, I admit, what would our highways look like with millions of horseback riders and people walking on them?
One things for sure, there would no need for chemical fertilizers and it create lots of jobs.
2 Posts
Dec 16, 2008 02:44 am
Re: Great New Alternative Energy Book To Share With Group

While most people understand the environmental benefits of energy efficiency - both a reduction in electricity generation based carbon dioxide emissions and a reduction in our dependency on fossil fuels - not everyone understands all of the real financial benefits. What many people know is that energy efficiency saves you money by reducing the amount of electricity you use. What many people don't know is that the United States government offers tax credits for energy efficiency.

Here is a link that might be useful:
Dec 16, 2008 04:28 am
Re: Great New Alternative Energy Book To Share With Group

What many people do not want to believe is that they are being used to make a select few people filthy stinking rich.
The idea that, if I could convince everyone of 6.5 billion humans on Earth to send me one penny: that would equate to $65 million dollars. Just one penny each! But we all know that could never happen. To make that many people agree that they all needed to do the same thing. Or could it happen? How many humans on Earth would you say are paying an electric bill? 1 billion? 2 billion? 4.5 billion perhaps? $4.5 billion people paying an average of what? $50 dollars a month? Possibly 2.25 trillion dollars a month. What is the United States governments trade deficit now with the Wall Street bail out? 9 trillion dollars? Small "frys" compared to what electric power producers might turn over in one year under those circumstances.
Similar things could be said about transportation and crude oil. Food and water. The air we breath. No air isn't up for sale, not yet anyway, bur clean air is. A healthier environment on Earth is up for sale now (RE). But how? How does one convince the multitudes of people on Earth that that they must work to make money and spend the money on fossil fuels and all the seemingly wonderful things (and not so wonderful things like, pollution) it brings us, in order to live on Earth. Do we take God out of the equation? I ask this because it would seem to be a firm believe among all religions that God provided everything we humans needed to live on Earth. We humans have provided everything needed to destroy it. Constantly taking from the Earth. Never putting anything worthwhile back into the Earth.
Who cares right? As long as we can all, at least dream of being filthy stinking rich, right? Isn't that what life on Earth is all about now?
Pity Earth, It has become little more than a means to an end. Who knows, maybe one day, billions of years from now, when our Sun has cooled and the Earths iron core has cooled, there might be sentient beings on Venus having this same discussion, while in the news their scientist are getting the first pictures back from a cold and desolate planet and the people are all curious, was there every any life on Earth. Those people would never know that the most important thing to the people of Earth, was money. That those people judged themselves and others by how much wealth the had or didn't have. That they never ceased to pull natural resources from their planet in order to become rich. Those supposed people of Venus would never know these things because all they would see on that Earth would be the similar to what we are seeing on Mars today. A possible means to an end. Are there any resources to to get rich from? Of course that is not what will be advertised. The advertisement will not say, "Make me rich, buy my product." No, there will be some other promise to some greater goal. "More beauty." "Greater health and vitality." "More energy." "A better life for everyone." "A cleaner future." Appealing to people vanities and desires. Temptations of the flesh in all of its forms of indulgence.
Bottom line. Its all about, profits.
4 Posts
Dec 19, 2008 11:48 am
Re: Great New Alternative Energy Book To Share With Group

Dear Thomas,

We can all agree we face difficult problems to be solved, but I like to look forward with a more optimistic outlook.

I've forgotten the book, but it took a fairly objective look at the condition of the world in general and humanity in particular.  Its conclusion was that life is generally better and improving at a greater rate than at any time in history. 

Optimists aren't foolish Pollyanna s - they actually have the clearer view of reality.

This was not talking about trivial things like material possessions, but issues such as availability of food, health care, education, freedom from slavery and so forth.

Not too many generations ago just meeting survival needs required full time, hard manual labor even in the United States.  200 years ago roughly 96% of the population was involved in agriculture.  Even in the 1940's it took about 50% of the population to work out farms.  That life has been romanticized, but it was harsh and I don't think too many of us would want to go back to that supposedly simpler time if we actually had to live it.

More to the point, someone who is struggling just to survive day to day doesn't have the time or resources to help the world at large.

Every crisis and prediction of the end of humanity in the past, and there have been many, has proven to be wrong. I expect the doomsayers will be wrong again. 

The reason is that human creativity and resourcefulness are infinite.  They stem from God.  That is the only resource of any consequence and we can never exhaust that.

Progress isn't a straight line, but the overall path for our world and humanity is positive.

I wish you and your loved ones joy, health and peace.

Merry Christmas


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