Todd Bauer's posts

Posted by Todd Bauer on Mar 18, 2009 11:01 pm

#1 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: economic solar water pump design
no, i haven't found the system yet. i'm looking at a sunpump but it seems expensive. the well now has 4.5m of water and seems to have a fast recharge. the 2.2m is back in 8 hours so i imagine that a solar pump of 1 to 3gmp would never draw down the well or if it didn't it would dry it up.

i looked on a map and it says that i have 4.5 peak sun hours. does that mean that only 4.5 hr a day a solar pump will pumo?



Posted by Todd Bauer on Mar 11, 2009 08:33 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > economic solar water pump design
I live in the San Ildefonso Ixtahuacanm Huehuetenango Guatemala. I work with the Social Ministry of the Catholic Church in a sustainable agriculture and reforestation project for indigneous subsistence farmers in one of driest regions of the country. The land entrance where we dug the well is 200m from the closed electrical post and the well 240m from the land entrance.Yesterday we finished digging the well and would like to use it at a model to show people an alternative to grid power (which is expensive here), that is economically feasible for them  and could be used for irrigation durning the dry season which would help with their food security and income generating activities.
the well is 8.5m deep with 2.20m of water. I want to pump it with solar energy 220m or 237.5m with a elevation of 32.7 from the well surface to the where the tank(1.5nX2mX1) will be built. I want 1gpm to 1.5gpm to fill the tank in an 8hr solar day

The solar panel will have to be placed in a tree 10m high to find the sun and the tree is 10m from the well.

Thanks for your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Take care,

Todd Bauer

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