Sh JA's posts

Posted by Sh JA on Dec 21, 2008 07:19 pm

#1 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > How Much Electricity Does It Take To Replace Gasoline? Article Link
There is a fascinating article on the Better Place Blog called "How Much Electricity Does It Take To Replace Gasoline?" You can read it @


Posted by Sh JA on Dec 15, 2008 01:17 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > online petition
You can sign an online petition on the Better Place Blog to bring electric vehicle infrastruture projects to your area of trhe country. just click on the get involved button on the top right hand side of the page.


Posted by Sh JA on Nov 22, 2008 07:25 pm

#3 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Great New Alternative Energy Book To Share With Group

 WE must make more of an effort in this nation to become energy independent. Not enough credit is being given to the high gas prices this past year and it's serious damage on our economy and society. That one factor alone has caused serious stress in both individuals and businesses. A record number of homes and jobs have been lost as a direct result. And, while we are doing the happy dance around the lower prices at the pumps OPEC is announcing cuts to manipulate the prices upward again. We must get on with becoming energy independent.We can't take another year like this past. There is a wonderful new book out about the energy crisis and what it would take for America to become energy independent. It covers every aspect of oil, what it's uses are besides gasoline, our reserves, our depletion of it. Every type of alternative energy is covered and it's potential to replace oil. He even has proposed legislative agenda's that would be necessary to implement these changes along with time frames. This book is profoundly informative and our country needs to become more informed and move forward with becoming energy independent. Green technology would not only provide clean cheap energy it would create millions of badly needed new jobs. The Book is called The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence NOW by Jeff Wilson. Our politicians all need to read this book.

Posted by Sh JA on Nov 15, 2008 06:01 pm

#4 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > The Best Book Ever On Alternative Energy
Today (11/15/08)Iran asked OPEC to further cut production by another 1.5 million barrels a day.Those still doing the happy dance around the low prices at the pump might not have even heard the news yet. I wish I could sink a huge tank in my back yard and fill it up before the prices go back up again. Our last stimulus package cost 168 BILLION. The money was borrowed from China! It didn't do a thing to improve our economy. We have bailed out and bailed out. Still our economy is going down the tubes at a rapid pace. Not enough credit is being given to the role the record breaking cost of gas played in the downward spiral of our economy and the demise of businesses from the largest corporations on down the line. Families and business have struggled this past year to get buy while being slammed with high fuel costs. The average family broke the budget filling up the car alone. Then to add insult to injury, every consumer product cost us more due to increased production and shipping costs. Food, clothing, everything imaginable now cost more as well. Electric companies were quick to raise prices some as high as 22%. So, we cut back, drive only when we absolutely have to , quit going out to eat. Stop buying new clothes. Sadly the ripple effect is never ending, this results in even more jobs being lost. OPEC responds to our lowered consumption by cutting production and they continue to cut and will do so until they get the price per barrel back up. We need to end our dependence on foreign oil. We have so much available to us in the way of FREE energy sources such as wind and solar. We have modern technologies such as hybrid and electric plug in cars. Why don't we invest in America becoming energy independent. 168 billion would go a LONG way towards getting some of these things set up. We are using oil at the rate of 2x faster than new oil is being discovered. World demand is rising as 3rd world countries become more modernized and populations explode.  Jeff Wilson has a new book out called The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence NOW. President elect Obama needs to read this book and provide every elected official one. We can't continue to bury our heads in the sand. We have the knowledge, we have the technology, what we seem to lack as a nation is a plan. the book has a web page,you can look at the book there and there are even links to peek inside and read exerpts and reviews. I got my book on All of congress needs to read this book. Our country is in deep financial trouble. We can't take another year like this past yr.


Posted by Sh JA on Nov 7, 2008 10:36 pm

#5 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Re: Our New President And Renewable Energy
We have the technology, the knowledge, what we seem to lack as a nation is a plan, someone with enough brains to have a vision and a plan to make it happen.

Posted by Sh JA on Nov 7, 2008 10:34 pm

#6 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Re: Our New President And Renewable Energy
Maybe we just need to educate Obama...Should we send him Jeffs book or maybe Jeff can move up there and show him a thing or two.  You make solar powered generators , tell me more. Could have used those in FL after hurricane Charley...

Posted by Sh JA on Nov 5, 2008 09:23 pm

#7 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Our New President And Renewable Energy
I hope Obama follows through on his promises to lead America into Energy Independence. This past year the high cost of gas has strained our economy and damaged our society.OPEC just cut production and gas will be rising again soon. WE have spent trillions on bail outs and stimulus checks. Our nation needs to invest in renewable energy and strive to become energy independent. Wind,solar and electric cars could replace a huge percentage of imported oil. We could produce cheap electricity and at the same time create millions of badly needed jobs. Renewable energy would be a win-win situation for our nation. Jeff Wilson just wrote a book called The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence NOW. I highly recommend this book for anyone concerned about our economy and our dependence on foreign oil.


Posted by Sh JA on Oct 26, 2008 11:25 pm

#8 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Re: The Manhattan Project of 2009
Too little too late, agree on the late part but we have to start somewhere. I am surprised a book like this was not written sooner. It is here now and we need to do our part on moving our country toward energy independence. We are using oil at twice the rate new oil is being discovered. Fossil fuel is a finite source of energy. It will all be gone one day. India and China are becoming huge energy consumers and more move out of lower class and into middle class and the result is many more cars on the road and more projected in the new future. Our country handed out 168 BILLION in economical stimulus checks. Tell me what DID that do for our economy really? 168 billion would have gone a long way toward putting some alternative energy sources into operation.

Posted by Sh JA on Oct 19, 2008 09:28 pm

#9 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Great New Alternative Energy Book Out
Jeff Wilson just released a new book called The Manhattan project of 2009. This book is the bomb. He has a web site that explains it all.

Posted by Sh JA on Sep 14, 2008 09:10 pm

#10 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Ike, spiked gas prices, and our need for a plan to use alternative energy
Just as gas prices start to fall slightly and we felt like there might be hope along comes Ike and causes them to spike to an all time high. Families everywhere are wondering where else they can cut back to cover the cost of fueling up the family vehicle to get back and forth to work and take care of the necessities of life. There is no money left for relaxation and family fun. The stress level continues to rise. Most areas of the country have seen a sharp rise in their electric bill as power companies pass their increased production costs on to consumers. The price of a gallon of milk is almost as precious as a gallon of gas. The cost of every consumer product has risen sharply. Americans are stretched to the limit. Jobs are being lost, foreclosures are increasing at an alarming rate. Seems even the family pets are suffering the high cost of fuel as almost daily a sad new story is on TV about shelters being forced to euthanize record number of surrendered pets from those forced out of their homes due to foreclosure or they simply can't afford to feed them anymore. The energy crisis in our country is far reaching and needs immediate attention. Our economy is in a sorry state of affairs directly related to the high cost of fuel. We have become so dependant on foreign oil that we have neglected to fully utilize such natural sources of energy such wind power & solar power. Along with modern technology such as plug in cars, hybrid cars, v2g technology ,and regenerative braking, technology we still seem to be floundering as a nation as to devising the best plan utilize all that is available to us and lift ourselves out of this mess we are in. We need to take our closest look at which candidates put our economy and energy crisis at the forefront of their agenda. The Manhattan Project of 2009 by Jeff Wilson pretty much says it all...


Posted by Sh JA on Sep 5, 2008 06:36 am

#11 -  Renewable Energy > RE General Discussion > Alternative Energy and the Presidental Candidates
We have the knowledge. We have the technology. What we lack is a government who seems capable of devising , supporting, and implementing a  plan to free us from our dependence on foreign oil. American's also on the other hand seem to have a very short attention span.  Our economy is going down the tubes and fast.  This isn't the first time, we have been there before. Our memory seems to blot that all out when fuel prices drop we waste no time wasting, producing, buying and using cars that get low mpg etc.  Only when it truly hurts us in the pocketbook do we suddenly switch into our conservation mode. We need to be in this for the long haul, permanently and totally.  We need to elect a president who will commit to rapid deployment of a plan of energy independence. We need to use every resource available to us to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. We need to take full advantage of natural energy sources such as wind power and solar power. We need to use our technological knowledge of hybrid cars, v2g technologies etc.  They all play a vital role in reducing our dependence on foreign oil and improving our environment not to mention relieving our suffering economy.


Posted by Sh JA on Aug 22, 2008 07:56 pm

#12 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Conserving Gas, Alternative Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy Kwh/gal,MJ/gal
Check out this workbook my brother just wrote (I got the beauty he got the brains LOL) It covers everything from how to measure the amount of energy that your car really needs!! (as opposed to how much gas it eats). It also shows you how to measure the difference of energy used at low speeds and high speeds, lets you calculate the engine’s energy efficiency, and how your car’s energy compares to other things like energy in your home. The measurements are really easy to do. It also compares and explains the use of solar panels, wind power and electric cars and hybrids and relates the amount of energy produced to everyday use. At last an informative workbook that links all this information in an easy to calculate and understand fashion.


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