Roxie Perkins's posts

Posted by Roxie Perkins on Apr 13, 2009 04:34 pm

#1 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Newbie needs help!
I purchased and installed the items suggested but still I am not getting any charge to my battery bank. I checked all connections and got the expected readings. My charge controller still just blinks green and my battery charge never changes. I have checked my batteries and they are all good, they will charge when I use my automotive battery charger on them. Any ideas what I should do next? Thanks for any help you can offer.

Posted by Roxie Perkins on Mar 31, 2009 04:54 am

#2 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Newbie needs help!
When I took the Kyocera out of the series I re-checked my volts and found I was getting 41 volts instead of the 24 I expected (since my panels are supposed to be 12v each) so I now have all 5 Evergreen panels wired into bus bars (one for pos and one for neg) and I am getting a reading of 20 to 22 volts on cloudy day and 25 volts when the sun shines. Hopefully today I will be able to tell if I am getting any charge.

Posted by Roxie Perkins on Mar 29, 2009 07:09 pm

#3 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Newbie needs help!
If you have the controller properly wired and configured as a charge controller, the low voltage disconnect does not function.  That only occurs when it is in load control mode.

The first recommendation is to disconnect the pair of panels that contains the Kyocera 130W. Get the system working with the 4 Evergreens. Then you could attempt to add the mixed pair back in to see how much it drags the array down.  Personally, I would purchase another Evergreen 210W and get rid of the Kyocera (or just stick with the 4 panels). Miss-matched panels in the same array cause problems.

For additional help, we need more info on your system.  Describe where and how the controller is wired. Where are the loads wired to ?  What are the jumper settings ?  What did you set the potentiometers too ?  When it is supposed to be charging, what is the LED doing ?  The more info you provide, the more likely someone is to spot the glitch.

I realized after posting my question the LVD does not make any difference in charge control mode.
After reading some of the posts, I did take the Kyocera out of the mix and only have the Evergreen panels wired in now. Of course, the sun hasn't been shining here for 2 days so I haven't been able to see if I am getting any charge after my changes.
My jumper settings are for charge control mode, 24v and manual equalization. I have the potentiometers set on Bulk--28.0 and Float--26.0 as the manual recommended Bulk 26.0 to 30.0 and Float 25.0 to 29.0 for a 24v set up.
My panels are wired into the controller and then from the controller to the batteries. From the batteries I am wired into a Xantrex TR3624-120-60 Inverter/Charger. I don't have the funds yet to purchase a good generator(only have a portable one) so I don't have a generator wired into the inverter yet. When the sun is shining the LED just blinks green all the time.
Thanks for any ideas!

Posted by Roxie Perkins on Mar 28, 2009 09:08 am

#4 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Newbie needs help!
I'm new at installing RE and trying to understand. I have installed a C-Series 60 Amp 12/24V Regulator or LVD or Load Div. I have it set on charge controller and followed all specifications in the manual but I don't seem to be getting any charge to my batteries. I have my PV array wired to 24v as well as my battery bank with the charge controller set for a 24v system. I recently purchased and installed the digital meter for the controller and I'm getting zeros all the way across except under the volts which is reading 23.9. I'm afraid I have discharged my batteries to the point that the LVD is not allowing the charge controller to "wake up" and do what it's supposed to do.
More info about set-up:
8-12v/125ah marine batteries wired to give me 24v (have checked with meter for accuracy)
My PV array consists of 1 Kyocera 130w/12v panel and 5 Evergreen 210w/12v panels wired to give me 24v output to the controller.
Any ideas on what I have done wrong?
Thanks for any replies you can give me.

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