Neal Palmquist's posts

Posted by Neal Palmquist on Jul 13, 2013 11:00 pm

#1 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Solar Electric System - Photovoltaic > Asking for your first thoughts and impressions
I don't know anybody in my circle of friends familiar with whole house power alternatives. I've discovered an interest to get a grasp on things for myself.

I have made myself familiar with Xantrex but I distrust the product line because the company has been bought out. The XW line seems to be at risk of becoming discontinued. I need to look elsewhere for a more stable product line and have not begun to do so, yet. I'm litttle concerned I'm trying too hard to see something when I can otherwise get help easily.

Please offer inverter/charger/controller suggestions how to have a whole house battery bank that is charged by grid power. When grid power fails and the battery bank falls below a certain level, a generator must be auto started to recover the batteries until a higher level of charge is achieved.

Structural limitations may prohibit PV charging to a level that is worth considering, but the system should be ready to use additional PV at the time that challenge is overcome.

Ultimately, the whole house battery bank will have backup standby generator plus grid power plus PV solar array to support charging.

Thank you for starting me off in an alternative away from Xantrex.

Posted by Neal Palmquist on Jul 13, 2013 10:55 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Solar Electric System - Photovoltaic > Sorry, double posted
Sorry, double posted

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