Mike Nork's posts

Posted by Mike Nork on Jun 27, 2009 09:27 am

#1 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Need to know details on hooking up 17V panels
Thank you both for your help.

I figured I'd get a real good battery because I'd like to see how one really performs.  That Surrette I was looking at... would it be able to safely be connected in parallel to the Xantex PowerPack?  I see some sort of similarity between the two in that both say 20 hours, but the Surrette also states the 357 Ah.  Why do they have two numbers on the Surrette, other than to confuse me?

I am definitely motivated to get into the industry.  I've actually already paid my registration fee to FSEC, down here in Florida for their PV Class, and after taking the class, I will be eligible to take the Entry-Level NABCEP exam.  Any advice (other than buy and read Photovoltaics: Design & Install Manual)Huh  And yes, when I asked the owner of the solar service company I bought my panels from how I could get a job either in the industry or with him, he said, "If you go get NABCEP Certified, I'll hire you on the spot."   Now, I wonder if he's talking about the Entry-Level, or the big-dog certification.  I need about 3-4 years experience to get that certification... I wonder if he knows that.

I just got the deluxe solar starter kit from Alt+E in the mail (with the 25 watt panel instead of the measly 6.5 watt it comes with), so now I have both the Design + Install Manual as well as the kill-a-watt.  FUN STUFF!

As for the 12V panels, I've deduced that they are, in fact, 12V nominal after going to the links you sent.

Which battery would you suggest that I can beat up, but still offer me plenty of capacity?  I'll have to swallow me ego and get something not quite as good, if that's the best idea.

Also, I took the advice, and got the subscription to Home Power.  Now I just need to READ READ READ.... EVERYTHING!

OK, but next post, I will have a finished loads list for y'all.


Posted by Mike Nork on Jun 20, 2009 06:57 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Need to know details on hooking up 17V panels
For the battery, a quick look led me to:


Am I getting warmer with this one?

Posted by Mike Nork on Jun 20, 2009 06:42 pm

#3 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Need to know details on hooking up 17V panels
ON second thought... I'm still up-in-air about the MPPT charge controller.  I don't know exactly what I'm talking about yet with that.  All I know is that money is NOT the issue here with me, and I do NOT want my frustration to come from cheap quality components.  Got me?

Posted by Mike Nork on Jun 20, 2009 06:35 pm

#4 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Need to know details on hooking up 17V panels
Oh yeah... sooooo after all that... I just wanted to RECONFIRMED what I learned from you:

My system voltage should be 12V, correct?

That means:

1.) I need to buy a 12V inverter.
2.) I need to buy batteries that will get me to a 12V system voltage (I understand there are all different combinations I can use to get there, but that is what I'm shooting for, correct?)
3.) I don't NEED to, but I WANT to get an MPPT Solar Charge Controller for this system.

Now, I know you cannot possible give me any kind of real suggestion of which of these items I should buy without knowing my load calculations, but would you be able to point my in the right direction as to what companies, brands, etc. are reliable and that you or people you know have good experiences with?  That's all what I'm looking for now.

Since I know you're going to ask, this is what I've come up with so far for loads:

- ONE desktop computer with a 300W power supply.
- ONE Samsung 172N computer monitor, rated @ 40W.
- TWO powered speakers, each 100W (Alesis Active MKII are the speaker brand).
- ONE electronic drum set module, rated only at about 18W (Roland TD-9).

Any better?  What do you think?

Posted by Mike Nork on Jun 20, 2009 06:13 pm

#5 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Need to know details on hooking up 17V panels
Dear James AND Thomas,


I actually have been researching this for a fair amount of time, and my interest is just increasing exponentially.  First, let it be known that I am still a novice at this.  Also, I am learning.  Lastly, I am doing what is order (studying, researching, investing time and money) to actually get into the solar industry.  I want to be the guy that comes to your house and hooks up your system for you.  That's what I'm doing here, and I feel like I've struck a GOLD MINE with Alt+E.  No joke. 

James, I have been going through all these articles for some time and knew that the information that I needed was already in type, right here.  I'll admit, I took the lazy way out on this one and looked towards to these forums for the answer to be posted because I know you and the people that use this site have a lot more time invested than I do, and knew that someone would be able to point me right where I needed to be.  I was right, so good... and thank you again for doing my leg work!  The article you posted was a perfect explanation.

My intentions with all this is as such:  I followed a suggestion that if you are trying to get your hands on some cheap panels, to call around to companies that do the service work (where I will eventually be working) and ask them for any off-spec, or damaged, or blemished panels that they cannot use and are looking to get out of the way for cheap.  It was some of the soundest advice I ever took.  The first place that I called had 31 panels in their warehouse (nothing wrong with them at all, they just could no longer use them for installs) for literally $0.50/watt.  I needed to commit to buy them all, which is why I hesitated at first, but then after thinking about for a few months, I realized that I should just get them all, keep a few and sell the rest for money to buy the rest of the system components.  Not a bad idea, eh?  It's working.  Within 3-4 hours of posting them on ebay, I sold one and many more are expressing interest.  So far, so good.

What ever the panels were, I figured I could FIND a use for them (I have a computer with powered studio monitor speakers and an electronic drumset that I'm aiming to be able to power, at least for a few hours out the day, if that's all I can do).  I don't have experience with solar panels, and I wanted some, so my determination (and research) is currently providing me with a means of success.

From the money I will make from such a good discount, I;m going to try to get not only the rest of the system, but also, take some educational classes here in Florida for a week and at the end, they offer to take the NABSEP exam.  If I can eventually pass (I've got A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of reading to do!) then I was told from the owner of the company I bought all these used panels from that he would hire me on the spot.  Call me ambitious, I know... but I call myself motivated to get this and to start doing whatever I can do to help the world's energy start.  Humble beginnings... 

Thomas, thank you so much for your reply and your insight.  This is why I came to this site... because I know people like you are out there and willing to help people like me.  That's what it's all about!  I appreciate your concern, and assure you that I will respect these panels with the respect they deserve.  I wish I knew every single detail I needed to know before messing with this stuff, but I don't, or else I'd already be selling and installing these panels professionally.  It's the old chicken-before-the-egg deal.  Like, getting a credit (card) when your young, just starting out - you gotta have it first before you can get it! 

I've got some educational material from a guy based out of Miami, here in Florida, that writes books and designs programs and classes to help teach all about what I need to learn.  His name is Mike Holt.  Check him out.  I got a 2008 copy of the NEC and (essentially) a training guide to help turn this mystical information into something I can learn and understand, and (eventually) master- the kind of thing that you and James have already expressed to me that you know! 

I'm sorry for being so long-winded, I just wanted to explain myself a little more to you and express my gratitude towards ALL who are in this together doing this!  You are all my brothers and sisters, who I have yet to meet!



Posted by Mike Nork on Jun 18, 2009 10:08 pm

#6 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Need to know details on hooking up 17V panels

I just recently purchased a bunch of old solar panels and am kinda confused on the system configuration.�  My trouble is, their rated @ 17V.�  That's not a number that I see relate to any batteries, so if anyone can help figure out what kinda of battery(s) I need to get, it would be much appreciated.

Here's the panels link:


I know their old, but I got them sooooooo cheap, I couldn't NOT but them!

While your at it, if there's any good recommendations to which charge controller, inverter, and cabling I'd be happy to take them as well!

Thank you so much in advance for answering what seems to be a fairly simple question!!!

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