Dump load for wind generator

29 Posts
Feb 13, 2005 08:19 pm
Dump load for wind generator

I am just about finished with a proto type dump load I made using peltier thermocouple devices. These little items are just what the doctor ordered. My alternative energy systems usually are installed in a shed or seperate room. This area gets very hot in the summer time and very cold in the winter time. These peltier devices can provide cold air for cooling in the summer and hot air for heating in the winter. I can use the dump energy for the wind generators and solar panels to power the peltier devices and provide cooling and heating where needed. During the summer time the energy shed is hot and I try to keep the temp below 95 degrees the peltier units can provide freezing temperatures on their cold side and their hot side can get above 120 degrees easily. Has anyone else done any experimenting with these Peltier Thermocouple deivices??? Today you see them on e-bay where they are bing used for keeping the CUP chips in computers from over heating. They use about 12 volts at 20 amps for full cooling effect but run with any amout of current provided. My though is most diversion loads can only provide heat, like load resistors and water heater elements. These can provide cooling which can be used for other issues. Just thinking out loud.



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