what single panel and inverter to power 2 fountain pumps at 110v?

1 Posts
Sep 5, 2014 09:33 pm
what single panel and inverter to power 2 fountain pumps at 110v?

I just want the pumps to pump water through the fountains during the day while the sun is shining. I was thinking a canadian solar 260m (20v). Both pumps show 97watts on my kill-a-watt meter.  But what inverter? Its for an outside location and a lot of the inverters are way overpriced for this simple application. I might even mount it under the panel so the panel itself provides shade for the inverter, or behind a brick wall. Also, the 24v inverters seem to alarm at 20.6v and have a low shutoff of 20v.  So will this panel even work? I'm in sunny S. California.
47 Posts
Nov 18, 2014 01:13 pm
Re: what single panel and inverter to power 2 fountain pumps at 110v?

It's not as simple as connecting an inverter to a panel.�  Inverters have to run off batteries, so you would need to connect the panels to a charge controller to a battery to an inverter.�  If you want to run 2 pumps at 97W each during the day, that's 97W x 2 x 8 hours = 1552 watt hours.�  You didn't say where you are, but if we assume 5 sun hours a day, and 67% efficiency for the system, you'd need 463W of solar, so 2 of those panels would do the trick.�  However, you'd also need an MPPT charge controller that can take the 20V down to 12V battery bank, so you may be better off with two 24V panels in parallel for a 24V 145ah battery bank (for 1 day, 50% depth of discharge).�  We've got 305W Canadian Solars that would give you plenty of power.�  Then you can use a PWM charge controller like the Morningstar ProStar 30.�  You could use a Samlex PST-300-24 inverter.� 

It may be easier, and less expensive, to switch over to DC pumps that can run PV direct.�  http://www.altestore.com/store/Solar-Water-Pumps/Surface-Solar-Pumps/Shurflo-Surface-Pumps/c648/

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