nabcep bogus certification hurts installers and solar

462 Posts
Jun 24, 2011 09:25 am
nabcep bogus certification hurts installers and solar

After seeing so many employers and customers requiring nabcep certification I just felt that I once again had to show how bogus their certifications really are. Here are two examples from their site and training manuals that prove that their certification doesn't hold water. To me it is a tool to promote poor installations by unqualified installers which in turn can lead to the public being duped into believing that solar is not the answer but just another technology gone bad.

Information presented in this publication is intended to inform candidates as they prepare to apply for and complete the process for the NABCEP
Certified Solar Photovoltaic Installerâ„¢ Certification Program. While making every effort to provide current and accurate information, neither
NABCEP, nor its employees, volunteers, or representatives warrants or guarantees the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, merchantability, or
fitness of the information contained herein for a particular purpose. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, training
program, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, affiliation, or support by
NABCEP or other contributors to this document. While individuals certified as a Certified Solar Photovoltaic Installerâ„¢ are required to meet
established certification requirements, NABCEP maintains no control over these certificants or their related organizations, and disclaims all
liability to any party for any action or decision made in reliance on the information contained herein or otherwise provided by NABCEP, or for any
actions or inactions of candidates or certificants to any party, or for any loss or injury, resulting from the use or non-use of such information.

NABCEP certification is not a professional license issued by a government agency, and does not authorize a certificant to practice. NABCEP certificants must comply with all legal requirements related to practice, including licensing laws.
« Last Edit: Jun 24, 2011 09:39 am by Tom Mayrand »

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