leak on Db drainback tank act model 15-15xss

1 Posts
Jun 22, 2010 09:12 pm
leak on Db drainback tank act model 15-15xss

I seem to have a leak on the stainless steel nipple wear is screws into the tank when the tank is hot 120+. it dibbles out the stops and the later will do the same thing. I need to know it their is a gasket, seal or can be tightened.
28 Posts
Jun 23, 2010 11:14 am
Re: leak on Db drainback tank act model 15-15xss

A general answer to leaking stainless steel threaded fittings is that threaded stainless joints do tend to leak especially with thermal cycling. The cause is generally that the threads werent cut very well in the stainless fitting. The use of low grade imported fittings is usally where its most prevalent. Its real important to use something as a lubricant on the threads as stainless threads can "gall" quite easilly, and when they gall, about the only solution is the cut out the fitting.

Generally an anerobic teflon pipe sealant like Loctite PST will work on most threads but there are some people who use both PST and teflon tape. On occasion in industry we had to resort to backwelding SS threaded fittings. I have seen some people try to make up the joint with silicone rubber sealant but I cant vouch for it 
Aug 17, 2010 07:20 am
Re: leak on Db drainback tank act model 15-15xss

A general answer to leaking stainless steel threaded fittings is that threaded stainless joints do tend to leak especially with thermal cycling. The cause is generally that the threads werent cut very well in the stainless fitting. The use of low grade imported fittings is usally where its most prevalent. Its real important to use something as a lubricant on the threads as stainless threads can "gall" quite easilly, and when they gall, about the only solution is the cut out the fitting.

Generally an anerobic teflon pipe sealant like Loctite PST will work on most threads but there are some people who use both PST and teflon tape. On occasion in industry we had to resort to backwelding SS threaded fittings. I have seen some people try to make up the joint with silicone rubber sealant but I cant vouch for it 

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