info needed for very small stand alone system

2 Posts
Nov 25, 2009 10:00 pm
info needed for very small stand alone system

I am wanting to have a bank of 4 12v 35ah batteries that I will charge about once a week.  I'm in LA area and according to this sight I get an average of 5.6 hours of sun a day. I will be drawing the bank down to 60% percent or so. I need to be able to fully charge the bank within 2 days time so within about 11 hours or so.

How to I go about calculating the panel size in watts that I need. I used the calculators here but I must be doing something wrong or not understanding the terminology to input correct data.

I don't know yet how to calculate watt hours so I will supply what I know. The led light bars I made pull about 130 ma of power and they are 12 volt bars. I want to run them for about 5 hours each and every night.  I was given 4 new 35 ah 12 volt batteries. I want to be able to recharge the battery bank within a time period of about 10 or so hours. If you need more info please let me know.

There really wont be a load per se. The battery bank will be disassembled and each battery will be used for a different need like using a small inverter to charge a cell phone, run a small radio etc. Along with the batteries I was given came a 2000 watt coleman inverter and 10 small 300 watt inverters. So not really having a constant load I guess what I'm really after is the panel size needed to charge my bank from 60 to 70 percent charge back up to full charge with the time period of 10 hours or so.

I have read a lot of information and have subscribed to home power mag yesterday but I really am so new so solar I really dont know what I am doing or how to calulate my needs yet.

thank you


« Last Edit: Nov 25, 2009 10:58 pm by Brad Wilson »
2 Posts
Nov 26, 2009 12:30 am
Re: info needed for very small stand alone system

never mind on this one. I figured out how to use the calculators

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