Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

13 Posts
May 4, 2009 12:59 am
Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

Hi all!

Can I operate my loads by using both solar and grid power at a time?

That means if my load require 500W power and the power from the solar is 300W, can the grid supply remaining 200W.

Is there any controller for this operation so that I can save my electricity when the sun power is available and if not it will automatically switch to grid power.

Please give the details of controller if any?

46 Posts
May 5, 2009 04:53 pm
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

Hey yeah, me too. Inverter with a low voltage disconnect/switch to brown power? I've been looking for something in this arena as well. Grid tied, just not grid synchronous.
1 Posts
May 5, 2009 06:56 pm
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

I currently use a controler system that combines
wind, solar, generator and grid power.

Using a power meter on the ac line I can watch
the usage go up and down as a cloud passes over.

oregon_wind_turbine @ yahoo.con
May 6, 2009 09:00 pm
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

There was once this small tribe if people. they lived off of the Earth and all of its bounty but they lived in fear of a neighboring village that would, on occasion, attack and loot their stores. One day a member of this tribe discovered a cave and in this cave was large beast. The tribe made friends with the beast an fed it and when the other village came to pillage and loot, the monster chased them off. This made the tribe happy and they fed the beast more. The beast grew and the tribe fed it more. After a will the other village quit ransacking their neighbor because they learned that the beast was protecting them. But the beast did not go away. It liked being fed as much as it could eat and it wanted more. When the tribe had no more to feed the beast it became very hungry and ate the tribe.
Why are we keeping electricity alive? What is it protecting us from? What fear motavates us to keep "feeding the beast?" Are we so scared of other human beings? If so, then why is there 4.8 billion more human beings, than there was only 100 years ago?
We are so scared of something that we cannot, we will not, turn our electricity off. What is it?

« Last Edit: May 6, 2009 09:07 pm by Thomas Allen Schmidt »
46 Posts
May 8, 2009 08:12 pm
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

I cant help but feel that the beast's time is coming very near an end, and the tribes will be "alone" again. Alone with themselves. If they fought before, what will happen now that the pet is gone?
It would be good if we could all just "make the change", go back to a simpler time, live like the Amish or the Indians. Unfortunately we have become fat, spoiled children who will make no change unless it is forced upon us. "Mommy, where is my soft furry beast?" "Look in the back of the SUV" she said   over her blue tooth...
184 Posts
May 11, 2009 03:04 pm
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

Tech Guy:  I suspect that being grid-tied is not the solution you're looking for, right?  If that's the case, you might consider an automatic transfer switch like this one:

Without more details from you, I can't suggest how you might implement it. 

I'm not sure how to respond to others who've posted here recently.  I'll just say that I don't want to walk around in the dark, bumping into things.  God certainly didn't bless us with all of these natural resources, and expect us not to use them.  Perhaps the moral in Thomas's story is to use resources responsibly, avoiding problems in the future.  And finally, going back to a simpler time would just empower those who take advantage of the weak.  No thanks MB.  Not all of us have become fat, spoiled children.

46 Posts
May 11, 2009 07:26 pm
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

Not my intention to imply that anyone who hangs around the alt store (or other similar venue) would ever be fat and spoiled. More directed at society in general. The link listed is exactally what I was looking for! Thanks JD. Think  I may have just lost a pound or two!
13 Posts
May 12, 2009 05:52 am
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

One thing to be clarified for me. I cant get the answer for what i had asked, instead the topic has been deviated to other.

I think it should not be done like that.

Can I have clear answer if any one can tell.

Thank you all
6 Posts
Jun 15, 2009 12:32 am
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

Not an expert, but at some efficiency cost, and if your inverter was big enough, run everything off the inverter with a line powered charger supplementing whatever RE sources you had charging the batteries...
Jul 5, 2009 05:54 pm
Re: Controller for operating loads both with solar and ordinary power

Wow, I had forgotten about this one. You're right "Tech Guy" the topic was deviated from a little. Thats my fault.

You are looking for answers to living with less utility generated electricity from burning coal or nuclear power plants. It that correct?
You want to stay on the grid "utility power" but produce your own electricity from photovoltaics and possibly store some of it in batteries for use at night. Is this correct?

Assuming that these are correct, the point I had in mind, when I wrote that post, with that link, was a crude attempt to show you a path that does not include the grid at all. Its called living "off grid." We (humans) had lived "off grid for thousands of years. Now look at where we are only 100 years after having a "grid." We are trying to "save the planet" with renewable energies. It would seem to me that if we really wanted to "save the planet" we would just, turn those energies off. We are not going to have these energies without consuming some natural resource (mass) or other. Its that simple. Would billions of people die within 100 years of doing so? Most likely but that shows us just how fragile a thing being so dependent on these manmade energies is.
As for exploiting the week. Thats just human nature now isn't it? What do you think being made dependent on these manmade energies does? It does not empower us, it makes us dependent on those that can produce it or, supply the mass or for those that produce it or, the means for us to produce our own or, supply the mass to produce those items. PV modules and the supporting electrical do not last forever and the last time I looked PV modules and copper wire and wind generators, etc. etc. do not grow on trees.
(For you John D. )

Recently on another thread, "Tech Guy," you asked about equipment for megawatt PV systems.
Have you considered seeking out (paying for the services of) a professional in photovoltaic electrical systems "Tech Guy?" There are so many things to consider when designing and building a PV system that, no matter how knowledgable and/or how good the intentions are of people on this bulletin board, someone could inadvertently give you bad advice. This is why, here in the USA, we have things like; the NEC and, state licensed electrical contractors, permits and, inspection by local authorities and professionals (for hire.)

"Fear is not in the habit of speaking truth; when perfect sincerity is expected, perfect freedom must be allowed; nor has anyone who is apt to be angry when he hears the truth any cause to wonder that he does not hear it." ~ Cornelius Tacitus, Roman senator and historian - 96 AD.

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