solar panels????

8 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 10:00 am
solar panels????

I m new here on this site and just bought a house with solar panels for my water heater - the "repair" man who was restoring function to my solar hot water now wants to remove two 4' x 10' solar panels for my roof as when the solar system  was originally installed it was for heat and water - I don't know what to do - he says I can sell the 2 panels.  Can someone help me? I am in Oxnard Ca and need some consultation - I can be reached at (310)828-3107
462 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 11:10 am
Re: solar panels????

Ellen, if the system is still operational, why does he want to remove the panels. Perhaps to use them for himself or make a profit selling them? If the system holds pressure and the pump turns on when the sun is out, then the system should still work. Since you just moved in, I would just observe the system over time to see if it is still working before making a decision to remove it. There are not many components that can go wrong and the only problem that may occur with the piping and panels is a leak and that can be fixed easy enough. You may just have to drain,flush and refill the SHW loop to make sure there is no debris in the lines.
8 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 11:16 am
Re: solar panels????

The problem is I was having the system "repairied" (the water heating system) - when he installed a component it almost fried!  Melted all the insulation on the copper - he then tells me that my panels were designed for heat and water and it is too much for just the water - so now he wants to remove 2 of the 3 panels -  My thoughts on this is that he should have known the solar requirements before he installed the component.  Now, I have spent 2,100 for a part that I cannot use unless he disconnects 2 of the 3 panels.  I don't trust this guy and do not know what to do at this point.  He says I can sell the panels - this is all new to me so I was hoping I could talk to someone.
462 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 11:24 am
Re: solar panels????

Ellen, I can't imagine what part would have cost $2100. The only electric parts on a hot water system are the differential controller and the pump. The controller is only around $150.00 and is solid state electronics and shouldn't go bad. The pump is a $100 and that shouldn't go bad either. What component did he replace?
  As far as the melting of the insulation, I can't fathom what could have done this. If something shorted out it should have tripped an electrical breaker. Did he use a torch for any reason? (Soldering pipes).Removing panels should not be an issue. More panels only means that you will recover or make hot water faster. It should not get any hotter. What size/type/brand storage tank do you have?
8 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 11:27 am
Re: solar panels????

what was installed was a Radco drainback system - it has an 80 gallon water tank and 3 4' x 10' panels on my roof installed probably in the 70's
8 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 11:28 am
Re: solar panels????

He also said that the reason it got so hot is that all 3 panels were providing energy and it was "overload" and I need to remove 2 panel - I think I have hired an incompetent contractor
462 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 11:45 am
Re: solar panels????

Ellen, so he installed a new drainback set up to the existing tank? Did he say what was wrong with the old one? As mentioned, if nothing is leaking and the pumps are turning on, it should have been okay.
 Yes it does sound like you hired someone who is not familiar with the system. If the system is not operational after the fact you should not have to pay him. It may be a big fight though.
 Three panels should be sufficient to heat an 80 gallon tank throughout the course of the day, so I would not have them removed.
8 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 11:53 am
Re: solar panels????

I need more information to make an informed decision - I do not want to start removing panels.  but he insists that the "power" from the 3 panels is what is causing the overheating.  I don't trust this contractor and need to get someone out who knows what they are talking about.  I am totally uninformed when it comes to this.  thanks for your feedback,
Nov 29, 2008 07:45 pm
Re: solar panels????

Hope I'm not to late.
Ellen, have you been able to correct the problem with that contractor?
Here is a site that explains the system you describe on your home. Note the remark about overheat protection. The system drains anytime the pump is not running, so it sounds like what might have happen with your system was, a high limit thermostat should have turned the motor off, causing a drainback, but didn't. Ask your contractor why this didn't happen in your system.

Here is the list by numbers identifying the components.
I really wish the would put these on the same page. Take notice also that they got 9 and 10 wrong.
9 - is the 4500 watt heating elements
10 - is the differential controller.
Also notice the size of and how many collectors there are, the storage tank size, and how many people this system can serve.
« Last Edit: Nov 29, 2008 08:05 pm by Thomas Allen Schmidt »
8 Posts
Nov 29, 2008 09:46 pm
Re: solar panels????

What he actually did was disconnect 2 of the 3 panels as the mfg. told him it was "too much" solar power for the drain back system  - and that only one panel would be sufficient. Since he made that alteration (without removing the panels from the roof) the system has been operational.  Thank for the reply.  I would never recommend the contractor I used as he obviously did not do his "homework" before he installed the system and t actually cause some damage when it overheated and melted the insulation.  Really bad job and I was very dissatisfied.
Nov 30, 2008 06:38 am
Re: solar panels????

Its good to know that you have an otherwise safer system running now. I remember the first homemade solar water heater I built. I started the project thinking it would be marginal at best...
I had completed soldering all the copper pipe and I wanted to run a test on it before painting it black and closing it all up in its insulated, glass front box. The next morning I filled it with cold water and let it sit, flat on the saw horses in open air, not even painted black yet. It was summer time and a relatively cloudless day. By 1:30 pm the pressure had gone from 0 to 120 psi the temperature had changed from 58 degrees F to 140 degrees F. At the time I didn't know how I was going to regulate this and I new that once it was painted black, all boxed up, and on the roof aimed at the Sun, the temperature and pressure would be even higher. I had not anticipated that. I would need more storage. I would need more uses for hot water. I leanred from that; the necessity for, and how and why temperature differential controllers are used and why automatic T/P release valves are required equipment on water heater tanks. Most of all, I gained a greater respect for the power of our Sun.
8 Posts
Nov 30, 2008 10:54 am
Re: solar panels????

I agree   As  complete "novice" at anything like this and a first time homeowner, I learned a lot from this experience.  First, really check out the contractor - I assumed he was good and knowledgeable - but making these mistakes with my money and the time it took to resolve the problem was very aggravating.  I assume the "experts" know ahead of time and anticipate the potential problems.  It was expensive (2,150!) to have him install the recirculating system - and very time consuming with all his mistakes - and now I have 2 -4 x 10 panels on my roof that are not being used - and my 1st month electric savings $4 per month. At that rate it is cost effective in 45 years.  But, I like being "conscious" and try to be energy efficient.
462 Posts
Dec 3, 2008 11:22 am
Re: solar panels????

Ellen, glad you got it going. To bad your contractor didn't know what he was doing. As mentioned before, the 3 panels should have worked out heating the 80 gallons of water in the main tank and whatever extra water is in the drainback tank, especially on not so sunny days.
  Good that he left the extra panels in place. That way there, if/when the tank starts leaking, you can think about changing over to a closed loop system with a heat exchanger tank and then you can hook them back up and take advantage of all that free energy.
  Or perhaps you can hook them up to use with some heating application.
8 Posts
Dec 3, 2008 12:24 pm
Re: solar panels????

Originally the three panels supported both hot water and heating system.  It was installed about 30 years ago!!!  The heating system was too costly to "update" so it was disconnected - that is why there were 3 solar panels as the water only required one.  The two "disconnected" panel are still on the roof awaiting future possibilities!

Happy Holidays!

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