controller setting

27 Posts
Sep 17, 2008 03:29 pm
controller setting

I currently have a charge controller that goes into a trickle charge float mode at 13.7 volts .
At the end of the day my battery may read 13.5 to 13.7 volts which I believe is the surface charge rate .
By morning my battery may read 12.8 volts.
Should I set the charge controller to shut down at a higher voltage lets say 14.5 volts in order to give me a fuller charged battery the next morning. I don't want to cook my batteries,so would 14.5 setting be ok? Or could I go a little higher even 15 volts ?
Sep 17, 2008 06:53 pm
Re: controller setting

Good afternoon.

It really depends on the type of battery you have. For example, you might not want to float a gel any higher, but some types of flooded or AGMs might be able to accept higher charging voltages without damage.

Generally the battery manufacturer has a published voltage for bulk, absorbtion and float. (or at the very least, float). There is some head room in the specs, but I'd recommend that you follow the battery manufacturer's specs. On a typical 12v flooded, that'd be 13.8. The only reason to go above that voltage is if you have stratification in the electrolye and need to equalize the cells. (NOT for gel or AGM)

At a voltage of 12.8V, you're likely still above 90 % depth of discharge... (as in 90% of the energy remains) so it's not that you're doing terrible damage to it's plates letting it sit there.


« Last Edit: Sep 17, 2008 06:54 pm by Nathan Skretting »

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