new hubs and 6 blade setup for air x and 403?

4 Posts
Jul 15, 2008 03:29 pm
new hubs and 6 blade setup for air x and 403?

Is there any specific advantages of the 6 blade option over the four blades that originally came with my unit? I have a 403. Thanks, Roger
4 Posts
Jul 15, 2008 03:58 pm
Re: new hubs and 6 blade setup for air x and 403?

Maybe I should add to this. I have my wind generator set on a 72 foot tower in Panama city, Florida. It seems to keep the batteries up just fine. System is used only now and then for running small appliances outside and sometimes I plug the motorhome home in to chare it's batteries. I was told that due to the lower on average  Florida winds, I could benefit with six blades. I am just curious. I think the company that makes them is called Thermodyne Systems.
10 Posts
Jul 16, 2008 08:42 am
Re: new hubs and 6 blade setup for air x and 403?

I have been very frustrated with the Air X rotor design because the blades are somewhat inefficient and the cost and assembly of the tower has been beyond my means. Air X is rated 400 Watts @ 28 MPH! We don't get winds like that very often except in a storm!

I have been studying the ornamental windmill rotor design for sometime and have noticed that these things are always working so long as there is wind. They are not fussy about turbulence and always eat up the wind and turn it into energy. They have always been the work horse of rotors.

I talked with the Amish to see if they would design a windmill rotor blade and they said it would be about $1200 to do that. They would have to design a jig which would be the majority of the cost.

So...  I went out and bought a $50.00 8ft ornamental (lawn) Windmill for the rotor and attached it to the Air X. It was tricky finding a way to attach it and keep it balanced but I did it and have energy all day long. The Air X always faces into the wind with this blade on it. Turns with a higher rpm, thus more energy.

I only have it on a 1.5 inch galvanized pole 7 feet high and it collects all of the energy I need. (Keeps the Air X closer to the ground avoiding higher air speed for this rotor). I can also access it much easier if I need to.

My start up speed is 4-5 mph vs 7mph with the original rotor design.

Probally voids the warranty but has made it much easier and practical for me.
10 Posts
Jul 16, 2008 08:47 am
Re: new hubs and 6 blade setup for air x and 403?

Also I believe that some of these new 6 blade rotors require an extended "add on" tail to keep the wind generator facing into the wind. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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