Solar water pump help needed

1 Posts
Jun 12, 2008 08:25 pm
Solar water pump help needed

Found the only water on my property in the root cellar. Plan to dig down app. 15 ft. and put a well and solar pump. Winters are cold and pump needs to pump to a holding tank 300 ft. away and about 40 ft. higher. What is a good low-cost pump (high gpm not necessary) and any ideas for a well structure? Another possibility would be to bypass the holding tank and pump 20 ft. to a large pressure tank. Would that be feasible? Thanks.

Jun 13, 2008 04:21 pm
Re: Solar water pump help needed

Wow! Nothing could substitute actually being on site and seeing first hand what there is to deal with, but here it goes anyway.
One way to line the well is with concrete casings. They come in different diameters and lengths. Do you plan on digging by hand?
There is another way if you have access to a welder.
Take a 4 foot piece of 1-1/4" steel pipe then weld a loop over one end to tie a rope to. Then find a thick washer that will fit inside the other end and weld it in about an inch inside. Then you will need a steel bearing that covers the hole in the washer. Drop it inside. Start a piece of pipe in the ground that will be the casing, with a big enough inside diameter for the 1 1/4" "digger" pipe to fit inside of easily. There will need to be water in the lager pipe. The idea is, when you drop the "digger" pipe inside, it goes down and picks up dirt and water and the ball bearing traps it. You pull it up and dump it out, and do it again. Don't forget to recover the ball bearing and drop it back inside the "digger" pipe. It is also necessary to tap the casing pipe down a little every now and then. Not to hard though, you don't want to collapse it at the bottom. Do this over and over.
Believe it or not I went down 30 foot like this with a 2 inch PVC casing. It took a while because the water had to recuperate, but it was a good "workout" anyway. After that I put a plastic 1" pipe down just shy of the bottom and made up a pitcher pump on top. It gives up about 10 gallons over 24 hours. We were hoping to hit an artesian well. A neighbor nearby (half a mile) hit one on his place. not a lot of water. It just does trickle out of his well when left open, but it would do this 24/7.

If there is already an elevated tank on the premise, I would probably go there and use a pump run straight from PV modules. A lot would depend the static water level of the new well. One thing is for sure, you've got your home work cut out for you. Is a wind powered pump an option in you region?
Let us know how it all works out for you, ok?
« Last Edit: Jun 13, 2008 04:28 pm by Thomas Allen Schmidt »

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