16 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 07:42 pm

carl,,why not provide names of customers that have working products,,why avoid the question? 10 names that can be verified and we can go see working units?
16 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 07:49 pm

well carl you so proudly defend your product,but why cant you provide any names of happy customers? seems are i can find anywhere are unhappy ones with no working product as your site states.!!!!! and if all areas taken  why not send a rep out to house to prove they work?
26 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 07:53 pm
Re: A Message From

Kathy, we have never done business with you and you know it.

Given the obvious legal ramifications of blurting out consumer and/or distributors information I will not nor would I ever given this sites reputation do so.

But you knew that already ... didn't you?

Now two things:

1) Caught you when you wanted to see them in action ... in the Dallas area.

2) I know the Dallas/Fort Worth reps very well and you are not one of them.

This ends my conversation with you ... Troy!
26 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 07:56 pm
Re: A Message From

"and if all areas taken  why not send a rep out to house to prove they work?"

I'd love to. Simply visit our website click on the questions and comments link and your message will be forwarded to the closest rep (that isn't you uhh ... Troy).

Fair enough?

33 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:05 pm

Kathy just curious You said you have two units?

What area are you in?

16 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:07 pm

northest states
16 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:13 pm

carl,seems you can ride troys ass about things he is correct in defend your product so strongly,but wont provide customers that have working products.your so called expo is comming soon,maybe the letter we are drafting should be sent to cnn.dateline etc,so we can bring our products and see if they work,if they do great exposure for you. correct.but i doubt highly any troy or i have will work as your site states,when ours cant lite a 100 watt bulb.see you at the show,that is unless you cant make it.something comes up on your end,another excuse
26 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:17 pm
Re: A Message From

Posted by Kathy Frost on Today at 07:33:57 PM

"frost is my name.lo order was under husbands nmae.!!!!!"

Let me guess ... it's a secret?

16 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:21 pm

wont be a secret when we arrive at the show you are attending,sure your in good standing with this asscoiation
26 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:24 pm


16 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:38 pm

would expect only that from you,your company wont be there!!a real business person would supply customers names and or refernces as any good compnay in good standing with ther customers would.however seems you are not,and wont or dont have any working untis with customers at this will at some point here soon held accountable,just us on migth think you have all the bases covered.never know who you are screwing over do you carl?
26 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:44 pm
Re: A Message From

You have "special" needs Kathy!

And they won't be found here.

What was that (secret) last name again?

26 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 08:48 pm

"as any good compnay in good standing"

I think I'll let our BBB rating speak for us ... and not you and your fantasies!

Again, click on our websites questions or comments link and request and invitation to the big challenge.

We would be more than happy to accommodate you as a worthy spokesperson for whatever your cause is.

33 Posts
Jan 14, 2008 11:37 pm

Sorry Kathy I missed a whole page there as it got heated. You can write me at tradewindstwa @
33 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:09 am

Sorry again Carl as I missed that page but let me catch up.
As to you hooking something to me I am up for that. You could come out here like you promised you would and give that a try.

Now on taking that unit apart you don't actually have to be an engineer to take out two screws and a couple of brushes, but in fact I had an electrician that knows electric motors do it. Tested it first. Then opened it up and took a look. Then put it back together and retested it. It still put out the same voltage using a drill in reverse as it had before we opened it. As a safety I didn't open the second one up. It tested the same as the first throughout.
26 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 10:57 am
Re: A Message From

So tell us Troy.

How does it feel to harm the efforts of all the Freetricity distributors with your nonsense?

You're quite a guy!

33 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:04 pm

Carl you can refund my money, or I would be happy to meet with any of your nearby distributors to have them show me their working product. With either of those actions their pain could stop.
26 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:13 pm
Re: A Message From

*** So your attempts here are nothing more than blackmail? ***

Not surprising given your lack of character Troy!

And NO!! You will honor your signed contract!!!

And as I already have explained they already know who you are and have no desire to be put into contact with you.

Tell us again Troy, how many other companies have you claimed are frauds and scams?
462 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:22 pm

Troy, make sure you print out previous posts here to help you in your endeavor, especially those that include the math behind the fraud. Basically they show the amount of current needed to supply the power he claims and the wire and battery sizing required to transfer and store that power. These amounts do not match his design. We got him to stop replying after those posts because you can't deny or argue with the math if it is done correctly and this seems to be the only argument he won't continue.
33 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:23 pm

Nope no blackmail. You feel free to stick to your guns. Man of principal you are and all. Just offering a solution.

As to other companies I have had issue with there was one in my 46 years. I found them on a huge thread in and filed a complaint. Actually it was similar to you. They were failing to provide what I had paid for. Unlike you they did step up.

Other than that I think I'm good. Nice diversion tactic though.
26 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:30 pm
Re: A Message From

Posted by Tom Mayrand

"These amounts do not match his design."

And what design is that Tom?
462 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:32 pm

...your system...duh!
26 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:34 pm
Re: A Message From

Which one ... duh.

462 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:36 pm

hopefully not your reprodutive one...because we do not need promoters or products such as yours to insult the renewable energy field...
26 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 12:44 pm
Re: A Message From

So instead of visiting our website and seeing for yourself you voice an ignorant opinion of a product you have never seen?

You folks at the energy store are amazing!

109 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 01:00 pm

Hello Everybody!

This thread has exploded over the last day or so. I'd like to continue to remind everyone to please keep it civil regardless of what other people have said.  No personal attacks and keep to the facts.  Given that this thread seems to have no new info, and we are no longer trying to help someone troubleshoot, I am thinking of closing this thread.  And given the numerous warnings previous, and my request above, I will give no more warnings before I ban people.

On the flip side, I do appreciate that this thread is an outlet to discuss freetricity, and welcome such discussion.  However, I do want to keep it productive and if it ceases to be so, so will this thread.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,

P.S. Also, no duplicate postings please.  I will be deleting the ones I have found.  If you wish to reference a previous posting, please post a link to it, instead of reposting it.

"Making Renewable Do-able"
« Last Edit: Jan 15, 2008 01:03 pm by Nick Albright »
462 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 01:06 pm

I've been there...that's why I can see, just from the pictures, that there is no way that system can produce what you claim. Also, why are so many links on your site hardly ever working? And, I am not stating my facts from ignorance. And I am not affiliated with the Altenergy store. I am a Mechanical engineer working and dedicated to the renewable energy market and have thoughorly studied, designed and installed these technologies. We have not heard one iota of any of your credentials. Do you have any? If your product is what you claim it is, it should speak for itself, and it shouldn't need your constant defense on it's behalf. Be honest. 
26 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 01:09 pm
Re: A

"that's why I can see, just from the pictures, that there is no way that system can produce what you claim."

Well Tom that's some amazing deduction powers you have there!

Just from those pictures ... lofl

26 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 01:16 pm
Re: A Message From

Tell me Tom, are you familiar with pma's?

462 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 01:19 pm

Sarcasm will not make your product work any better....

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