RE General Discussion

Feel free to talk about anything and everything about renewable energy in this board. From reasons for using alternative energy to general questions on types of systems are right for your needs.


Subject Started by Replies

Best hybrid Solar/Wind off-grid system ???

Dear Friends: Im newbie in this field. I should use a laptop 10 hours/day + 2 x 5w lights 4 hours a day. My cab...
Bhikkhu Samahita 0

Triple Hybrid 1.5 Kw Solar, Micro-Hydro, Wind-turbine system.

Friends: My recently installed Triple Hybrid 1.5 Kw Solar, Micro-Hydro, Wind-turbine system is depicted here: ...
Bhikkhu Samahita 5

Questions installing a Solar panel system?

Has anyone installed a Solar panel system themselves and if so is there a way to use the power from the Solar system first befor...
Biohaz25 1

Wind and solar in hilo

Im curently helping my father build a home on hawaii and im hoping to sell him on the Idea of wind and solar power know I dont n...
bob barker 1

Hydro power from 60 foot water falls

I own a 60 ft plus waterfalls I am not sure how to figure out the water flow, it flows year round and was used in the 1800s to s...
Bob Brown 9

Help for newbe?

Hi Folks,  I just discovered AltE and what a great company and this board is excellent info.  I'm planning a smal...
Bob Coco 9

Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

I have a tracking system that just keeps sweeping back and forth. The company was out of Phoenix Arizona. Can I get parts or...
Bob Zaik 10

solar panels

[Post removed due to being an ad]
Bobby Key 5

What type of generator

I'm planning on building an off-grid house in two years.  I plan to use a solar/wind combo with a propane generator for tho...
Bone Scavenger 2

wind-powered fountain

I'd like to build a wind-powered fountain for my garden.  Something on a small scale that wouldn't justify buying a huge tu...
brenda ellis 3

Get Off the Grid with Wind Power

Of all the alternative energy available, wind power is perhaps one of the most practical and effective solutions.  Wind pow...
Bri Hd 4


I want to purchase a windmill to bring electricity to my home.  I am new at this.  I only have 1 3/4 acres of land out...
Brian 1

Need replacement absorber plate

Hi, My freeze protection for my 4'x10' solar hot water panel failed during a cold night and water froze in th...
Brian Dombrowski 3

20 amps at 120v. or 2400w of power

I want to build a system that I can use at an off the grid site. I wanted to know how many 100w panels I would need to power a b...
Brian Eicke 0


Hi eveyone, I'm new to the site. I am a mechanical engineer and am looking to move (back) to MA from Rochester NY....
Brian Lelli 0

New to AE, need some advise

Hi Everyone:Thanks to Hurricane Ivan, my home is now without electricity (I was lucky: most people lost their roofs, if not thei...
Brian Steele 1

The Strive to be independant

Okay so after watching the Al Gore movie, I've decided that I 'm going to build an environmentally friendly house.&nbs...
Brian Wilcox 6

Need information about on the grid solar power

Hello, my name is Brian.  I live in Arizona and am trying to figure out a way to make my electric bill cheaper.  I hav...
brian wirth 2

Tilt Rotor AR-10 Wind Turbine PPT

Hello Everyone, Here is a link to a marketing presentation that was put together for a trade show in Las Vegas last week.&nb...
Bruce Boatner 4

Blackhawk AR-10 Tilt Rotor - In the news!

What's the old saying?  Everybody's famous for 15 minutes?  OK, start your watches. http://www.ktvb...
Bruce Boatner 2

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