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Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Solar Electric System - Photovoltaic > Re: Time to get serious designing my off-grid home solution
I am planning to take the biggest part of my house off grid. I have four windturbines and 4.2kw of solar. I have left my bank at 12 volts and have a 2250 ah battery bank. I have multiple out backs going to a hub and mate for the solar and the wind turbines have their own charge controller with a dump load.
I've been told that a higher voltage system would be a better way to go, but I can walk into any parts store or r.v. dealership and walk away with 12 volt items I need for the house.
i'll be hard wiring a aims 5000/10000 watt pure sine wave inverter into a separate braker box. I will put a disconnect between the braker box and inverter and one between the regular braker box so I can switch back and forth if need be.
our next home will be totally off grid on a 12 volt system. I know it can be done. I set up a 12 volt system for a friend of mine. he has one outback and is running four 200 watt panels to charge 10 6 volt Duracell golf cart batteries. he has propane to run his frig, stove and water heater. if it storms for 6 days straight he will trip the braker between his braker box and inverter. then he'll turn on the braker and start up his genny. after one day of charging in low light conditions he is charged back up fully and ready for another six days of rain. if the sky is clear and sunny, he has all the power he needs to run everything in his home. he runs the lights, tv , ceiling fans, microwave, computers what ever he needs. he just watches how long he runs the larger stuff like the micro wave or power tools. other than that he is ready to go all the time.