1 Posts
Aug 19, 2008 11:40 am

i have a system where i have 22 AC power sources. i think i can get them to DC using rectifiers but not tottaly sure. the sources vary in amps and voltage. anywhere from 120 mV to 400mV. and anywhere from  100mA to 400mA. basicly i need a way to connect them all together. I really dont want to damage anything. but surely there is some way of doing this right? PLEASE HELP
16 Posts
Aug 21, 2008 12:54 am

What are the power sources and what do you want to do with the power from these sources?
184 Posts
Aug 26, 2008 10:05 am

I would REALLY like to hear more about these 22 variable power sources. 

I think you're on the right track with dc conversion.  What you do from there depends upon how you want to use the available output.  Perhaps you can connect these sources in such a way that results in a voltage and current levels suitable to apply to a charge controller.  The useful work, therefore, would be battery charging.   

Keep in mind these facts:

In a series circuit, the voltage will be the sum of each individual voltage, and the current will not be any greater than the current producing capacity of the lowest-current power source. 

In a parallel circuit, the current will be the sum of the current of each individual source, but the voltage will tend to be the same as that of the lowest-voltage power source.  (Voltage will rise and fall, depending on the size of the load).

You may want to create a series/parallel circuit in order to get the voltage and current characteristics you'll need.  It seems that you'll need more than the 22 sources you've listed if you want to power a charge controller.  Please provide more information about the power sources.

« Last Edit: Aug 26, 2008 10:08 am by John Dalhaus »

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