Sorry solarjohn but I have to respectfully disagree, adding another piece of electronic/electrical control equipment may be another option but "bottom line" it is not.
We don't have, nor have we every needed, an automated LVD on our inverter circuit, or any other circuit, and our batteries have never hit bottom! They have come close on a few occasional weeks of different years during winter months and, we didn't use a generator ether. (We live off grid and don't even have a generator.)
We did however make good use of our Bogart Tri-Metric monitor that is mounted in the living room wall by the front door light switches. When battery percent of full gets low (below 50%) we simply conserve more. Its become almost second nature and mind you, this is only during extreme weeks of some winters and we are not stumbling around in the dark or burning candles or kerosene lamps. Just a little less time on the internet, a little less time watching TV (stuff rots your brain anyway
), maybe all in one room reading instead of separate rooms, things of that nature.
I suppose, in all fairness, I should add that we had lived off grid without any type of electricity for over 25 years before we went PV. This could be a big difference also.
So far we have only had to replace a bank of Trojan T-105's but we got the better part of 8 years of household service from them. They are still in use, just not powering the home anymore. Time will tell how successful we are with the new bank of Surrette 530's. I hope to get at least 20 to 25 years of actual household service from them.
Living day to day in a household with electricity coming from battery power, is about, more than just battery voltage. One has to consider the number of amphours removed and how they are replaced as well as the number of cycles built into the battery and the relationship of shallow or deep cycling. Sure there is always going to be some gizmo or gadget for sale to do it for you or there is just plain good ole common sense. To me, saying "the misery of battery stage of charge." is like saying a cat is miserable with a mouse.