Let’s see what happens when our Solar Queen attempts to charge a 24V battery with a 20V solar panel and MPPT charge controller on a hot, summer day. And see how that compares to doing the same, using a 24V solar panel.
Can I charge a 24V battery with a 20V Solar Panel & MPPT?
Amy Beaudet Amy Beaudet was in the solar industry at the altE Store from 2007 until her untimely passing in 2021. She was a sales rep, instructor, and an all-around solar evangelist, sharing her passion for solar around the world. When whe wasn't at work, she enjoyed sailing and skiing - but odds were good she was still talking about solar on the boat or on the slopes. See more of Amy Beaudet's blog posts.
Hi Amy,
I know that the new enphase micro inverter comply with NEC Rapid Shutdown requirements.
However I wonder if there is a micro inverter that can work as a stand alone without the grid and not needing a battery.
If there is sunlight the inverter produce AC output, no sunlight it shuts down.
This is in a remote area with no grid within miles and only one panel and one inverter is needed.
Hi Amy,
I know that the new enphase micro inverter comply with NEC Rapid Shutdown requirements.
However I wonder if there is a micro inverter that can work as a stand alone without the grid and not needing a battery.
If there is sunlight the inverter produce AC output, no sunlight it shuts down.
This is in a remote area with no grid within miles and only one panel and one inverter is needed.
Sorry, I don’t know of any like that.