WInd Turbines

55 Posts
Nov 19, 2008 08:48 pm
WInd Turbines

I am starting to see all these wind turbines popping up all over the place now BUT they are unregulated. I seen a 12v 200W turbine but they recommend putting a charge controller on it for safer operation. What controller would work?
Nov 20, 2008 04:36 am
Re: WInd Turbines

I can't tell you a name brand or model off the top of my head. I would need more information about it and time to research, but, I can tell that like hydro, it would need a way to "burn off" surplus power if, power output was not being utilized 100% by the grid or battery charging or air/water pumping, air/water heating, etc. etc..
Even though its advertised at 200 watts or 12 amps at 12 volts nominal, it may go higher before it "cuts out." It may be like the AIR's and have integral heat sink, don't know.
I would need to know more about that particular wind genny.


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