solar pool heating

1 Posts
Aug 29, 2006 10:18 am
solar pool heating

I am trying to decide how to heat my pool.   We have a very sunny climate with very consistent temps ranging from 70- 85 in winter and 75-90 in summer. (almost never lower or higher than those ranges)  Our pool we are building is 27,000 gallons with 970 sq. ft. of surface.  I can accommodate about 470 sq. ft. of  the black plastic collector panels,  or use (hopefully) less of that space and put in a closed loop heat exchanger.   The piece I don't know is which system would work best for me.  For instance, how many square feet of space would I need for the closed loop heat exchanger for this size pool.  We like to keep the pool at 86 degrees and this is a mildly breezy exposure  off the ocean.
7 Posts
Aug 30, 2006 11:00 pm
Re: solar pool heating

Hopefully you'll get some replies from people with more intimate technical knowledge, but as an owner of a unglazed, black plastic solar heating system, I would encourage you to go with the more expensive glazed panels.  Although the unglazed panels work fine, and overall I am very happy with them, the truth is they take up a lot of space.  As I understand it the glazed panels are supposed to be more efficient, so you won't need to have as many square feet, or you can get more heating from the square footage you have.  The downside, of course, is expense.  The unglazed are a lot cheaper, so you might want to just compare the price and maybe that will make up your mind for you. 

I have approximately 450 square feet of the unglazed panels and a pool that is 35,000 gallons.  If anything I would consider the system to be a little bit overpowered.  I barely have to run it in the summer (4 hours per day max), and can easily maintain my preferred swimming temperature of 94 degrees for 7-8 months a year.  In addition to the solar panels, I also use a bubble cover, although primarily to prevent water/chemical loss, and only secondarily to help maintain temperatures. 

I don't know where you are, but this is in San Diego for climate comparisons.  If I were willing to settle for water in the 80s, I wouldn't be surprised if the pool would be swimmable for at least 10 months per year.  I've actually had the pool at 99 degrees one time before, when I decided to test the system.  I think it could have gotten even hotter, but I didn't want a 35,000 gallon jacuzzi. 

Anyway, the black unglazed collector panels should be more than adequate for your purposes.  If you want to save space, considering the glazed panels may be worthwhile. 
462 Posts
Sep 13, 2006 09:36 am
Re: solar pool heating

Larry, if you do consider using plastic panels, a cheap alternative is to use rolls of black water service or sprinkler pipe. It is basically the same material, you get just as much if not more collector area, the water service pipe is designed to last and since it comes in rolls there are not any seams or connections, other than connecting one roll to another, to leak. Cost is around $30-40 for a 100 ft. roll of 1". You can just roll them out flat or hang them on a fence. Though aestetics may be a concern for some.

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