mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

16 Posts
Mar 22, 2009 10:48 pm
mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

Are there any problem running different voltage panels as part of the same solar string.

I have a SB1800u and 10 PW1000 24V panels. The SB1800 documentation states a 192V startup voltage, does anyone know if this is VOC or VMP?.

Based upon my number of panels what is the best way to configure these panels. 6 of them are switchable between 12(17.3Vmp/24(34.4Vmp) VDC. The other 4 are strictly 24V(34.4Vmp).

I dont believe I have enough panels to support 2 arrays according to the array sizer at the SMA site. But with a single string mixing 12 and 24v panels I can create the 192V startup voltage without exceeding the inverters VOC limit of 400Vdc.

Any help appreciated
« Last Edit: Mar 22, 2009 10:50 pm by John Anderson »
578 Posts
Mar 23, 2009 02:44 pm
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

the low end voltage is the vmp in hottest conditions. the high end voltage is voc in coldest conditions.

i would not recommend wiring modules at different voltages in series.

per the string sizing tool, it looks as though 1 string of 7 modules in series is the best you can do.  you can do 1 string of 6 as well.

you said you dont have enough for two "arrays" but i think you meant series strings, and if that is the case, that is what the sma tool says as well.  the good news is that it should run the inverter.  the bad news is that because of the quirks of the inverter and your modules, you will have three extra modules to sit on.

being the curious type, i checked and saw that assuming you had the money, inclination, and room in your service panel,
you could do one string of 6 mods at 24v on the 1800u, and you could run 1 string of four mods at 24v on the sma 700u inverter on the middle setting.  this would utilize all your modules, but cost you another inverter.


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220 Posts
Mar 23, 2009 03:15 pm
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

 hi john,

 out of curiosity and in an effort to be of some help i have been looking at some of the product information on your proposed setup. so far it looks like you may indeed be able to run two series strings of five for your array.

 we have to look into it some more. if that option proves wrong looks like you will be limited to an array made up of seven of those pw1000 modules (the 105's?) due to temp correction for the garden state.

 where are you seeing that 192v startup requirement? from some of the info i've gathered we need a minimum vmp of 139v?

here they are calling it MPP Vpv a strange way of writing it?
 it's difficult to find information for this original sb1800u. and it looks like SMA no longer supports it with a sizing calculator.

 in any case we won't be able to run some of the modules at 12v and others at 24v due to the difference in the imp and isc of the paralleled vs series modules. that would be like trying to run completely different panels.

 looks like best case would be to pick up two more modules for two strings of six. and worst case is two strings of five with the possibility of going off line on a record high temp day. or running one string of six/seven modules.

 hopefully a few more folks chime in..

best regards, dave

oops i see james beat me to the punch.
578 Posts
Mar 23, 2009 03:55 pm
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

hi dave,

yep, i didnt want to go too far down this road, but there is the min vdc, and min mppt vdc. so 139 is absolute minimum, whereas 150v is where the mppt kicks in.


sma has it in the string sizer, no problem.�  see link above.

sma does not list strings of 5 on its sizer, but maybe on a pole or ground mount (cooler modules) it could work most of the time.�  the trouble is in summertime, that vmp will drop and you would not want to waste the sunny summer months with 10 modules in 2 strings of 5 and the inverter saying "solar voltage too low"�  or in SMA german it might say "VDC BFR" (nein solar Wink) when you could have 7 working modules.

hope that helps,

altE staff

"Making Renewable Do-able"

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220 Posts
Mar 23, 2009 05:39 pm
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array


  thanks for that technical tidbit. good info as usual!


edit: p.s. still curious of there is any difference in the sb1800u and the swr1800u?
« Last Edit: Mar 23, 2009 06:45 pm by david ames »
16 Posts
Mar 23, 2009 11:04 pm
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array(Wishful thinking)

Thanks for all the good feedback. The 190V startup voltage is out of a SMA brochure. I dont know if this is the VOC or Vmp. If its VOC than 5 panels per string would give me 43x5=215V, enough to start the inverter. If its Vmp than 34.6x5=152V is to low.

Inverter Operating voltage is dependent upon AC voltage. At 105vac than its min is 138Vdc, if its 120Vac than its 158Vdc. I am sitting right on the cusp, giving temperature derating than I will probably be offline more than online.

Now what if I put 9 panels in a single string. 43V x 9 = 387Vdc. Thats really high but in tolerance. 34.6 x 9 = 315Vdc thats within the Mpp range of 139-400Vdc. I really dont like the 400 volts DC. Seems awfully lethal to me.

I guess the proper thing is to get 2 more panels. Only problem is they are hard to find and no longer distributed in USA. What if I found 2 non photowatt panels with similiar characteristics? That way I could use 2 strings of 6 panels!

Any more ideas.

Thanks again for all your feedback
220 Posts
Mar 25, 2009 12:21 am
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

�  hi john,

 "Now what if I put 9 panels in a single string. 43V x 9 = 387Vdc. Thats really high but in tolerance. 34.6 x 9 = 315Vdc thats within the Mpp range of 139-400Vdc. I really dont like the 400 volts DC. Seems awfully lethal to me."

 we have to back up a bit here. as much as we want to get the most out of the equipment we have in hand, we just can't get away with a string of more than seven of those 100watt pw1000's

 lets go back over to that SMA sizing chart james linked us to.
 when we put your data in (assuming the sb1800u & swr1800u are one and the same)not knowing your exact jersey location i went with atlantic city new jersey. record low is -23*f (1942) and average high is 85*f (july). the closest choices are..�  -22* and 86*f.

 the sizing tool gives us 1 string of 5 in series, one string of 6 in series or 1 string of 7 in series,
or 2 strings of 5, of 6 or of 7 in series.

 mr. cormican has given some valid reasons to avoid the 2 series strings of 5 and i might trust his judgement on that.

 that leaves us with the 6 or 7 string option.

 the reason we can't go with more modules in the series string is just as voltage drops in the higher temps the voltage increases in the lower temps. these higher voltages can (will) be destructive to our inverter, not just stopping production as the high temps will.

 i sure like that idea of picking up a sb700u to make use of those 4 extra modules (6 on the 1800 & 4 on the 700)

 or that other option of 2 more photowatt modules to make up a 2 string array of 6 in series.

 keep at it..good to get everything worked out first.

kind regards, dave
« Last Edit: Mar 25, 2009 12:42 am by david ames »
16 Posts
Mar 25, 2009 01:20 pm
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

I'm still hoping to get an additional 2 PW panels. Would PW165 panels at 24 volts be acceptable in the string, i Know higher current but same voltage? PW1000's panels are getting harder to find but I have seen PW165's.

Are strings considered to be in parallel? Could strings be run at different voltages, basic question but I dont know how this inverter is designed.

Anybody know where I could pick up some PW1000's. I've tried E-bay?

There has to be some distributor out there with a couple laying around:)

Thanks Again/John
220 Posts
Mar 27, 2009 04:16 pm
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

 hi john,

 just my opinion here..i really think it would be wise to stick within the pw1000 family of modules, you might get away with the 95w or the 105w to mix with those 100watt modules you have but i would not wander too far away from there. the reason here is that each module has a unique i/v curve that the mppt controller tracks and we can throw the controller a curveball by mixing the array with different modules. be warned that there are non-ul approved pw1000 modules lurking out there and our inspector will be looking for the ul rating with a grid tied system.

"Are strings considered to be in parallel? Could strings be run at different voltages, basic question but I dont know how this inverter is designed."

 yes, with multiple strings the strings are in parallel.
all strings in an array have to be at the same voltage but you can run separate arrays at different voltages on separate inverters.

"Anybody know where I could pick up some PW1000's. I've tried E-bay?

There has to be some distributor out there with a couple laying around:)"

 i agree, you were able to find those four. just a thought here..if you find someone running one you might offer to trade it for a new module of their choice?

 are we having fun yet?

best regards, dave
16 Posts
Apr 10, 2009 07:44 am
Re: mixing solar panel voltages within a single solar array

Thanks all for your help here. I have obtained an additional 2 PW1000 panels and am now in compliance with the SMA suggestion of 6 modules per string. I just need to find a good location to mount these extra 2 panels and I am all set.

Best Regards/John

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