Bying a farm in the country, Puerto Rico.

2 Posts
Feb 2, 2009 01:15 pm
Bying a farm in the country, Puerto Rico.

Need some advise in what kind of wind turbine i need for my farm, dont have any electricity from the city. In my old house i use around 540kwh per month. House is in the mountains very breeze near el Yunque.
2 Posts
Feb 2, 2009 09:17 pm
Re: Bying a farm in the country, Puerto Rico.

Hola. I am familiar with the area. Depending on which face of El Yunque you are located, your wind map will vary between 2-4. The reality is that in PR you would use more KWH than in the states due to the high cost of electricity in the island by PREPA. Since you will not be connected to the grid, then your use per person should not exceed 1 Kwh per month. So in other words, if you are expecting three simultaneous inhabitants at the premises at any given time, then you should account for between 3-4 Kwh system. Helix WIND offers a great product called the S594, with a peak output of 5.5Kwh. The S594 costs $14,500 for turbine, generator and inverter. Expect the mounting pole to cost an additional $2,000 to $5,000 depending on height, which been El Yunque area, you have enough height (depending also on vegetation coverage).  Installation labor and materials for mounting on a pole in the ground costs another $6,000 to $8,000 depending on how close it is to a main or sub panel, the type of soil conditions, and ease of getting equipment to the site. Shipping and handling is another story been this PR. Still I can help you on those details if you require me to
Need some advise in what kind of wind turbine i need for my farm, dont have any electricity from the city. In my old house i use around 540kwh per month. House is in the mountains very breeze near el Yunque.
. Visit after February 15 for our new site detailing these products and many other tips you can use for your green renovation projects. Hope this helped. Tu amigo, Francisco Laboy, Initiate Renew LLC.
2 Posts
Feb 2, 2009 09:25 pm
Re: Bying a farm in the country, Puerto Rico.

Thanks...for your answer. Its very expensive. Are they any type of grants from the gov that you know of.Apart from the tax exempt.Its just my husband and me.We work regular jobs and we are in a budget.We have el Yunque to the back of the house and the ocean to the front.
Very pretty place.Looking forward to move in.
2 Posts
Feb 2, 2009 09:40 pm
Re: Bying a farm in the country, Puerto Rico.

Perhaps solar may be your ticket. It may be as expensive for a 3-4Kwh, but you would be entitled to special incentives from the federal and PR Commonwealth government. PR offers a rebate which could pay for as much a 40% of the total cost of your installation. The federal rebate does not have an impact on the island you would not pay federal taxes anyway (unless you work for the federal government in the island). Email me and I will reply with a link to PR's net mnetering and solar energy incentives information. Hope it helps. Let me know if you require any info. I am originally from PR, and we are working on several projects in the island. We are based however in Weston, FL. You can also email me at francisco.laboy @ Good luck.

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