I want to invest in renewable energy.

6 Posts
Sep 30, 2007 10:59 pm
I want to invest in renewable energy.

If you're interested in building a renewable energy source, but lack the funds, then post.  I'm looking for someone who is doing this for the planet, and is therefore willing to reinvest the savings that occur back into the renewable energy market, possibly in a way similar to what I'm attempting right now.

I am on a government check because of illness.  I also live with my parents because of the same illness.  I get a small paycheck from working at a fast food restaurant, but because of my low rent and my frugality, my net worth tends to slowly increase. 

The problem is that I've been told that if my bank account goes above $2000, or my net worth goes above $5,000, I'll lose my government check.  While, I'd love to be able to live independently from government handouts, my Medicaid will probably go away at the same time that my government check goes away.  I would then be in a situation where my net worth would plummet, and I'd be back down to nothing in six months to a year.

You see my dilemma.  If I buy stocks or bonds, the value is just moved around a bit, and if I choose to "waste" my money on expensive stuff, then I'd basically have to lie to the government(I'm a horrible liar) to keep my check.

The way I'm trying to do it here, I'm a little better off.  Of course, my dad will act like it's the most moronic thing in the world, he thinks I should invest it in his name and let him keep it for me, which I think is immoral, but hey everybody has an opinion.

Obviously, there's a lot of stuff I need to consider for this, but first I want to "gauge the temperature" of others.

So, what do you think?
2 Posts
Jan 15, 2008 07:13 pm
Re: I want to invest in renewable energy.

You can check here for companies to invest in. 
184 Posts
Mar 2, 2008 09:06 pm
Re: I want to invest in renewable energy.

Jason, here's something that might sound far-fetched, but deserves some consideration never-the-less.

Put up an off-grid PV system at your dad's house.  Charge him for the electricity it provides.  In doing this, you'll meet all of your goals.

1.  You're spending money, so your net worth stays within the range necessary to keep you from losing your government funds.
2.  You've expressed an interest in helping the planet, and the proposed system does that.
3.  You're not wasting your money on junk, just to keep your net worth low.
4.  As you earn money, you can continue to enlarge the system.  This allows you to regulate your net worth.
5.  You can negotiate a rate with your dad which will benefit you in your sistuation.  Remember, it's not just the electricity you're providing, he's also paying for an emergency power system for times when the grid is down.
6.  In doing this, you'll be running a legitimate business.  You need not lie to the IRS.  This should please your dad since you're doing nothing illegal or immoral.

There you go, all of your goals are met!

Mar 27, 2008 04:50 pm
Re: I want to invest in renewable energy.

I'm not 100% clear on your post. But I'e been looking to install a solar powered attic fan and power 50% of my electrical with solar power, I'd like to do 100% but it is expensive. I don't have any idea where to begin
6 Posts
Apr 17, 2008 08:41 pm
Re: I want to invest in renewable energy.

Has anyone ever considered investing in solar panels specifically for profit?  California is very sunny, and their electrical rates are insanely high if what I read online is true. (20-25 cents per kwh)

I'm thinking that a few of us could get together and find a company(if a company signs on, it's less likely we'll lose our shirts, in my opinion) that would like to save money and is willing to "baby-sit" the panels.  With the electrical rates in California, the break-even point might come as soon as 5 years or so down the road.

Edit: Victoria, your post  is about a month old.  If you're still interested, please post again. Smiley

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